Since '96 I've dutifully answered countless hundreds (maybe thousands) of e-mails from visitors. For the past four years you could not click through a link of my e-mail address to send me a message without the subject line automatically being filled out "This email is not going to Danny Elfman". Guess what? It still didn't work!
While I like hearing from you, please check the following before sending me an e-mail:
a) Your note is not a personal message for Danny Elfman
b) You are not requesting Danny Elfman's e-mail address
c) You are not requesting me to send you free CDs
d) The answer to your question is not found on this website


You'd like to send Danny Elfman an e-mail? Sorry, I don't have Danny Elfman's e-mail address.

You'd like to send Danny Elfman a letter via snail mail? Send it to his representation:
Danny Elfman
c/o Kraft-Engel Management
15233 Ventura Blvd., Suite 200
Sherman Oaks, California 91403
Make sure you tell 'em, Large Marge sent ya!

Now, since that's all done with, you can still e-mail me, Ryan Keaveney, webmaster of MFADP (this site, btw).
