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  • #37527
    Mr. Dantz

    Serenada Schizophrana is confirmed to have a CD release, right? I read that the IMAX movie that uses the music won’t have a soundtrack release, and I’m worried about that fact alone.


    When is Schizophrana coming out on cd?

    Mr. Dantz

    I don’t even know if it is. That’s the question I’m asking.

    Dawg Man

    All I remember was the announcement that it was to be recorded. I’m not sure that means a CD release, which kind of sucks.

    Ryan Keaveney

    Look for a CD release entitled “Serenada Schizophrana Music from the Imax Film Deep Sea 3D” — or somewhere along those lines.


    Mr. Dantz

    I read there won’t be a CD release from that movie.


    ARGH! Which is it? Will there be or wont there be?

    Edward Bloom

    Besides, I hope the soundtrack cd (if it gets released) will contain the original Serenada and not only the adapted one for the film…

    Mr. Dantz

    Yeah. I just want my original Serenada Schizophrana CD with an ultra-cool colector’s package and all. I don’t care about the IMAX movie.


    I think there WILL be a Serenada release eventually, but who knows when. By the way, I’ve heard both Serenada and the music in the movie, and trust me when I say that both are outstanding. Initially, I didn’t care much about the music for the picture, but my mind was changed pretty damn fast on that one.

    There’s an article on that describes this all way better, but they recorded the whole thing in Decemeber and then tracked it into parts of the movie. Elfman THEN wrote about 25 minutes of totally new music using the Serenada themes, but completely rethinking the orchestration and everything. Parts of the score go from movement one right into movement four and then back… and it’s all really good! In ways, more dynamic and chilling than Serenda itself! Debra Lurie wrote about 10 minutes in addition to that, but most of what she did are adaptations of sections from Serenada. There is one section involving turtles that she scored with kinda a 50s doowop thing… it sounds nothing like the rest of the score, but really works in context!

    Anyway, this is all a long way of saying that the score in the picture is really good, and I hope that the album (should there be one!) includes the six movments plus at least some of the Deep Sea cues, if not all of them (everything together totals around 75 minutes).

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