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Forums Forums General Discussion Actual order of “Charlie” tracks?

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  • #37264

    I’m thinking of making a copy of my “Charlie” soundtrack, but with the tracks rearranged into the order that they actually appeared in the film (just for a different listening experince!).

    Can you guys help me out? I can’t remember exactly what goes where. Thanks so much!

    P.S. Just got back from seeing “Spider-Man 2” in an Imax Dome theater here in Milwaukee. OH MY GOSH… it was amazing!! The whole thing was like a ride!


    I’ll try here….

    1. Main Titles
    2. Wonka’s First Shop
    3. The Indian Palace
    4. Wheels in Motion
    5. Charlie’s Birthday Bar
    6. The Golden Ticket/Factory
    7. Wonka’s Welcome Song
    8. Chocolate Explorers
    9. Loompa Land
    10, Augustus Gloop
    11. The Boat Arrives
    12. The River Cruise
    13. Violet Beauregarde
    14. First Candy
    15. Veruca Salt
    16. Mike Teavee
    17. Up and Out
    18. Charlie Declines
    19. Finale
    20. End Credits Suite

    (River Boat Cruise – Part 2 is nowhere to be found in the movie)

    I think that’s about right. The rest of the tracks are already in order, but I just placed the Oompa Loompa songs are they appear amidst the scored cues.

    Edward Bloom

    I think you’re correct Kipobe; I’d suggest to place River Cruise Part 2 between Veruca Salt and Mike Teavee… :)


    The thing is…I don’t remember there being a second river cruise. I just remember the one where they rehashed the Main Titles over it. Then they got off the boat, and kept walking, then as a mode of transportation used the Great Glass Elevator.


    Thanks! I couldn’t remember if all of the other tracks (after the vocal songs) were already in order or not… I know sometimes they’re switched around a bit for the CD.


    Actually, if I were gonna place the River Boat Cruise – Part 2 track anywhere, I’d place it right after the first River Boat Cruise because it seems like that track fades out as Wonka is having a flashback, and then when it returns to the present it changes into the Main Titles track (although, this is assuming “Part 2” would fit in this place, or was even written for that particular moment.)

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