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  • #37016

    According to, Michael Keaton is still interested in making another Beetlejuice movie. He also said he wanted Tim Burton to produce the movie or at least be involved, because he thinks Burton is an artist but Burton won’t direct the sequel. Personally, Michael Keaton is one of my favourite actors and arguably one of the most underatted stars around. Burton and Keaton are a magnificiant team. I think “Beetlejuice 2” is a good idea to reunite Tim and Michael. If Warner Bros is making this, then they should have Beetlejuice as a main character in the storyline(unlike the original) and of course, hire Danny Elfman (I love his work on the Beetlejuice animated series theme song) to do the music.

    Ryan Keaveney

    It’d be great to see Michael Keaton regain his deserved good cred. I’m going to see WHITE NOISE when it opens to support the guy, despite the fact that I am weary it’s a piece of crap!



    I think it’d be awesome if it has Lydia around college age and her boyfriend dies in a car wreck( or something equally as deadly), Beetlejuice sees this as oppurtunity to get back together with her and befriends him. He entrusts Betelgeuse to contact her but he just forces her in too a sadistic choice: marry him (bringing him into the real world) and bring back her boyfriend or let him annoy the crap out of her for the rest of her life. I dont know, it’s something i thought up a long time ago, and i just plain felt like writing so i did.


    Yeah. I saw the trailer for “White Noise” and doesn’t look like its going to be a big hit. Keaton potraying Beetlejuice again is almost like Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Terminator 3”. Reprising a role which made the actor famous after a string of flops. Keaton should play Beetlejuice, in order to be back on top as long if Tim Burton is around. Another good idea for the sequel is to bring back Lydia (Wionnia Ryder) somehow. A cameo from her would be nice….and maybe a cameo of Otho (that fat guy from the first “Beetlejuice”), he makes me laugh. That’s just my opinion.


    That’s not a bad idea, Timmothy. It would be cool if Otho (the fat dude), CGI sandworms and cameos from Adam and Barbara all appear in Beetlejuice 2. Another possible sequel plot is Beetlejuice being the Grim Reaper, but that was a rumour from some site.

    Untamed Aggression

    Didn’t we say all we needed to say with the first Beetlejuice?

    Must we go tropical?


    I agree.
    Michael Keaton is a great actor and one of the most underrated actors around.

    Tim Burton should at least produce a sequel to Beetlejuice.

    Danny Elfman should definately do the score.

    I hope they do make a sequel :-)


    BTW, isn’t there a script for Beetlejuice 2 online? Maqybe someone already mentioned it…

    Untamed Aggression

    “BTW, isn’t there a script for Beetlejuice 2 online?”

    Dunno if it’s online, but my above comment is from the Evening with Kevin Smith DVD, where he tells the tale of how he went into Warner Bros. and was given a choice of three projects to rewrite, one of which was “Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiaan.”

    Definitive proof that Hollywood executives are coke fiends.


    Dunno if it’s online, but my above comment is from the Evening with Kevin Smith DVD…

    I remember Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian, way back when.

    The Superman Lives story is hysterical from the DVD. Though I’m glad Smith’s Superman script never materialized into a movie — despite his fine comic book writing, his second draft for Superman Lives wasn’t all that great. The script can be found on the Net, and it actually includes Superman’s eulogy by Batman which, in the script, was broadcast across the world.

    The whole notion, though heartfelt, is completely dopey because Batman is supposed to be an urban legend, or at the very least, very discreet.

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