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Forums Forums General Discussion “Beetlejuice” waits for green light…

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    All this talk about a BEETLEJUICE sequel, and I found this:

    “It’s hard to believe that there are that many people out there clamoring for a “Beetlejuice” sequel, but Michael Keaton’s ready to give it to them nevertheless. The actor tells that he’s discussed the idea with Tim Burton, who directed the first one, and is awaiting a green light from Warner Bros.”



    Yay! This means that I can watch it without being scared to open my closet door :) (I was 5 the first time I saw “Beetlejuice,” and the scene where Barbara tears off her face while hanging in the closet the living daylights out of me – I wouldn’t open my closet for several months after that). Hooray – a funny movie I can watch while understanding all that lovely black humor ;) Thanks, Ryan, for the update!



    Oh, yes! I’ll be waiting for it, even though some people think it’ll be bad.

    But really, Tim Burton’s never had a really bad movie yet!



    someone said it before, and I would agree. Except on the rarest of occasions does a sequel turn out to be better, or even comparable to the first. Beetlejuice from concept to execution was a totally unique work of art. If there is to be another beetlejuice I’m not saying it hasn’t the potential to be good, and lord knows I’d love to hear the original beetlejuice theme with a bunch more variations and a larger orchestra etc. but all I have heard of this is michael keaton (the only Batman), whose career has since tapered off to almost nothing, of course he’s ready for another Beetlejuice. I just don’t see it happening, not for the right reasons anyway.

    I like Danny and Tim exploring new territory, although Batman Returns yeilded some of the highest quality music elfman ever wrote….

    I guess we’ll see.


    Hm…good point, rich. Yes, I’d almost be very afraid that it would tarnish my adoration for the original “Beetlejuice.” But then again, it would be Tim Burton in his best genre, in my opinion… Very mixed emotions on this one…


    I am too giddy for words–to the delight of millions, I’m sure!

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