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  • #38194

    In some of the promos of the Spider-man 3 music, this name is listed as an aditional composer.

    Anybody has an idea of who is she?


    Didn’t she replace Young’s music for that Lasse Hallstrom movie a couple of years back? Also, didn’t she do the additional music for DEEP SEA 3D? Of course, like the poster ahead of me, I could just check imdb for the answers myself…

    Ryan Keaveney

    I really look forward to hearing some of the stuff she produces in the next few years. She’s young, talented, and has a really delightful sound in her music. And she appears to have worked alongside Danny Elfman and John Ottman, so her influences are pretty good. Not only was she able to adapt the Spider-Man theme for the crappy third movie in a way that Chris Young couldn’t seem to fathom, but she also got to integrate her music with original Elfman material (the sea turtles part of “Deep Sea 3D” alongside “Serenada Schizophrana”) and I loved what she did with it. Presently her “Setting MJ Down” track from “Spider-Man 3” is my ringtone. She’s cool to me.

    Danny Burton

    Spider-Fan, you never got to tell exactly at what point in the movie this “Setting Down MJ” cue plays. I really want to know!

    Also, I’m really curious to know who wrote [or adapted] the SM theme in the Crane Disaster sequence. Yes, it might sound like a rehash of the Main Titles, but I really love how big and bombastic it sounds.

    That was the best scene [after the Sandman transformation] in an otherwise craptacular and disappointing film.


    “Setting MJ Down” plays during the “battle royale” (which was particularly lame) when MJ is falling yet again from a very high point and Spider-Man saves her yet again. Yawn. Lurie’s portion follows music from an unidentifiable composer, considering it incorporates the Spider-Man theme and actually sounds pretty cool — this occurs when Peter and Harry are both riding the “Sky Stick” and battling Sandman while MJ lays helpless in Venom’s web. I actually really enjoyed this music on its own, but not in the context of the movie because it didn’t have that frantic feeling that Elfman would have put in.

    Actually, I’m in agreement, Danny Burton. The “Main Titles” rehash may be just a rehash, but the bombast is pretty cool. And I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t Chris Young who wrote it. On his website, he has the “Harry Attacks Peter” track and if you give it a listen, it’s missing the portion played in the movie where a choral version of the “Main Titles” rehash kicks in when Peter starts evading the flying blade thingys. This leads me to believe that either Lurie or Debney were asked to work on that and insert it in key Spider-Man moments that lacked the Spider-Man theme in Young’s score.

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