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Forums Forums General Discussion Did you see The Simpsons – Tree House of Horror XVII

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    The Simpsons played tribute to another of Danny’s TV themes, Tales from the Crypt, in their newest Treehouse of Horrors episode


    Funny enough, I never usually watch The Simpsons but I decided to watch this particular episode because the program info mentioned a Golum and it hit my Jewish roots. I heard the opening music and was very amused by it… way to honor Danny! It occurs to me that his work has now been featured on The Simpsons (well, has been for many years), Family Guy (“The Breakfast Machine”), and American Dad (TWO Oingo Boingo references!)


    I almost pissed myself when I heard Stan’s boss singing “Little Girls” on AD.


    A belated notice: on last week’s Simpsons with Homer in the Army (a weak episode, I should say) they had Kiefer Sutherland with his cool southern accent assigning names in the end credits to military positions, mostly “frontline infantry,” but when Danny’s name came up, he just muttered, “lord…” Not sure of the significance, but anyone is welcome to interpret.

    On a side note, cartoons have SUCKED lately. Last week’s Simpsons, American Dad, and especially Family Guy (which used to be my absolute favorite show) fell way flat and lacked any humor, while tonight’s South Park was so unneccesarily and unfunnily mean that I’m starting to lose my respect and faith for Matt and Trey.


    Yeah, I caught that too. Perhaps just another jab at the theme song (instead of at Elfman himself?), such as in a far-earlier episode in which Bart is whistling the theme and Marge says something like, “Bart, stop whistling that annoying tune.”

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