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Forums Forums General Discussion Do You Believe in Ghosts? (Mali Elfman short, 2017)

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  • #98475

    Elfman’s IMDB profile is full of annoying entries by amateurs who have made short films, used Elfman’s music and then credited him as doing the original score. I did a thread on this once, but I can’t find it, so I’ll probably create a new one to get your input on these cheeky bastards.

    BUT…such an entry we CAN be sure of is this short by Danny’s daughter, currently in post-production. I enjoyed Danny’s music for her previous film, DO NOT DISTURB, and am curious what he’ll do for this. Probably very low-fi, low budget, but still.



    What a touching film. I had the chance of meeting Clare Elfman twice.
    The first time, I did not know anybody. And she sat right next to me and started chatting.
    She was such a nice person. I could have talked to her for hours. Such an interesting woman.
    We talked a lot about education, since she was a teacher and I teach as well. She made me feel confortable from the minute I arrived.

    It’s so moving to see the intensity of such a short film. It’s short. But yet, very deep.


    Indeed, quite moving for such a short film; it captures pretty well the mixture of loneliness, serenity and mischievousness that emanates from people who reach an old age.

    Ryan Keaveney

    Beautiful short film. Thanks for posting!


    Thanks for sharing, dddeee!

    I had no idea it was a documentary portrait of Clare. I thought it was a horror-type story. A very nice “snapshot” portrait of a person, and lovely Danny music to boot (my kind of Elfman score these days). I’m doubting it will ever see the light of day on an album, though.

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