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    Great indeed. Do you know which conductor he’s referring to in the Beetlejuice part ? The one that was replaced by Bill Ross ?


    It was Lionel Newman :

    “As Lionel Newman took up the baton on the main title sequence of Beetlejuice, Danny Elfman quickly realized that the performance wasn’t matching his vision for the music. “This was a major conductor dilemma,” Elfman says. “Lionel decided to interpret the music, and every interpretation he did was incorrect if not diametrically opposed to what I wanted. I was in the recording booth. Every question asked by the orchestra, he would answer before I could jump in on the talkback, and it was usually the opposite of what I was about to say”
    (from “Danse macabre”, p64. The passage on Newman is longer, but this part summarizes the essential)


    @boingomusic Thanks for the intreview

    Thanks for the passage

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