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Forums Forums General Discussion Listen to bits of Charlotte’s Web…

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  • #37686
    Dawg Man

    Each section of the site has different bits of music and — considering how this kind of thing was done with the Big Fish and Corpse Bride sites — it sounds like Danny’s score is used as the background music. I could be wrong but the strings sound like Elfman’s to me, a lot like what he did in Black Beauty (except maybe a bit more rustic).

    Ryan Keaveney

    That is indeed Elfman’s score for CHARLOTTE’S WEB playing on the site.



    Definitely in the same vein as “Black Beauty” and “Big Fish,” and based on what I’ve heard from “Deep Sea 3-D,” I hear a bit of Serenada Schizophrana too. Unfortunately, I’m just not all that motivated to see this movie; the G rating throws me off (always a bad sign on a live-action movie) and the educational materials all over the site point me in a bad direction. Also, I can tell the score will be very light, which isn’t bad for Danny, it’s just that I wish it was more like “Corpse Bride” and “Charlie,” which were light at many points but also had a delicious darkness to it, something “Charlotte’s Web” most likely won’t have. I’ll just have to wait and see…


    I, for one, love Elfman’s “light” music. While I could really care less about the movie itself, I cannot wait to have the soundtrack in my mitts…

    Ryan Keaveney

    There are many sides to Danny Elfman. I like to hear that in his music.



    I love the feel of it, it is light but thats like a breath of fresh air!! I can’t wait to see the movie, this was one of my favorite books when I was younger!! This is going to be great, I love the variety. This will be a great score :D

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