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    Whatever happened with that? Did it just fall by the wayside?
    I was amuzed by the three young characters, they seemed to have been inspired by those of Lock, Shock, and Barrel from Nightmare. I would love to learn that Danny is still venturing into screenwriting.

    Oh, by the way, Hi. My name is beth and I’ve been lurking on this site for just a little while. I kinda like it here.

    It Only Makes Me Laugh


    I think he sent it to Disney (they own the rights now) and hasn’t heard from them since. . . I THINK, but not sure. . . It’d be a shame.

    I’d love him to screenwrite, but I love his music so much I don’t want him to quite with that. . . although there may be another brilliant side to him we don’t know yet.


    Ha, what doesn’t Disney own?

    I know what you mean. Although I don’t know the guy, I really can’t imagine him not writing music. However, he can do both. I really like the music from Little Demons.



    Maybe Screenwriting can be a substitute for Boingo. I mean, Danny still managed to do a decent amount of composing when he had a band, so I doubt his music will suffer much. I mean, I’d go crazy if I totally ditched what I loved to do, you know?


    Well, I love the music to Little Demons and think it would be great if it actually got made at some point. Think Disney would actually support a story with that kind of theme?

    Can anyone tell me what the story in full is? I can’t figure out how it ends because of the difference between the last two songs (Little Angels and the closing song). What, do our “Little Angels” kill the nice lady in the end?

    And I agree, I don’t think Danny’s film scoring would suffer too much with him screen writting, it’d probably clear up any boredom he’s got at this point. He should go for it.


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