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    I just found this at SoundtrackNet. It’s an article with pics of the recording sessions ;-)



    Mwahaha brass…./>:D” title=”>:D” class=”bbcode_smiley” /></p></div></div><div id=


    I too enjoy a good brassy Elfman score, but the movie itself still looks pretty bad to me. It’s just so tough for any animated movies to compete with Pixar these days… why can’t Danny do one of their movies?

    Ryan Keaveney

    Yeah, real difficult to attain the level of CARS…!




    Better CARS than SHARK TALE, DOOGAL, HOODWINKED, FINAL FANTASY, EVERYONE’S HERO, and THE ANT BULLY. And thank God Elfman wasn’t involved in any of those atrocities.

    Ryan Keaveney

    Well considering no one here has seen MEET THE ROBINSONS, comparing it to SHARK’S TALE seems to me a bit precipitous.



    I thought he was comparing Sharks Tale to Cars…?

    I guess I read it wrong.


    Yes, I was comparing SHARK TALE to CARS. With all of its numerous problems (why does it take TWO hours to tell a story about talking cars starring in a DOC HOLLYWOOD remake? And how are these cars made? Is it some sort of post-apocalyptic warning about all that will be left once the ozone layer disentegrates?), CARS is still head and shoulders above a lot of other CG crap (not that it should be an honor to be better than BARNYARD, a film I should have put in my original post).

    As for MEET THE ROBINSONS, I actually hope that it turns out to be a decent film. Disney’s last two films (HOME ON THE RANGE and CHICKEN LITTLE) were artistic embarrassments. And AMERICAN DOG (from the director of the decent but overrated LILO AND STITCH and the studio’s fall 2008 release) doesn’t look that promising. If MEET THE ROBINSONS is aggressively quirky (and it certainly looks that way given the trailers we have seen), then AMERICAN DOG is murderously so. And those two quirk-fests will be followed by TWO princess movies (RAPUNZEL and THE FROG PRINCESS). Jeez!


    It’s Nice to know that John Lasetter (sp?) is now head of animation at Disney. Of the last 20 years the best animated films has been from Pixar, and Brad Bird… Iron Giant is a great achievement! There has been a few films from Disney that did have great things in them (Atlantis particularly, and even Dinosaur) but they failed in maintaining those things. Pixar has that ability, and no studio recently has had their run of financial and critical success.

    But I am a big Randy Newman fan, so what do I know?

    Ryan Keaveney

    I don’t understand who you think they’re making these movies for. They’re for kids. Animated movies have frequently been grating, insipid, overloud and obnoxious. Pixar is not immune from this. MONSTERS INC. is one of the most annoying films I’ve ever seen. I’m not beating a drum for ROBINSONS, but let’s try something traditional and at least let the movie open first before fileting it.



    I agree Ryan. It’s easy to lambast a film before seeing it, and I for one am far from excited to see this movie. But I will admit, I’m sick to death of CG animated movies with animals – at least this looks interesting…


    Well, I’m still a kid and I hope I never grow up. The Grown up world today isn’t much to shake a stick at. I have to say I do love Traditional Animation for, but I also love the process (having done a few 3D as well as Traditional animated films myself). The films work better when they are made by BIG kids for little kids, and PIXAR is nothing but a big playground.

    But like I said before in another post, I really don’t know much…

    … I’m just a kid after all… remember?


    Getting back to the music for a sec I can’t WAIT to hear something from this.


    I agree with you, elfmanguy (and I thank you for bringing us back on topic). I really can’t wait to hear what Danny has planned for this movie. In fact, recently I’d been listening to scores like “Back to the Future,” “The Rocketeer,” and — pretty obscure here — an early John Debney collaboration with George Wilkins on the extinct Horizons attraction at Epcot, and they all have this great feeling of grandeur and adventure that I feel movies have lacked since the early ’90s. I really hope Danny can help bring it back.

    By the way, have a listen at that Debney-Wilkins collaboration, I think it’s a really fun, nostalgic kind of track.


    Hey Spider-Fan, I totally agree… I loved those great 80’s and early 90’s score, and apparently, we don’t get scores like these anymore… But you should just listen to Edward Shearmur’s Sky Captain Main Titles, it has that same vibe… And speaking of Elfman, I think his FABLE theme had some of this too… I really wish he could do somehing in this genre…



    You are so right! Were about due for a good adventure score and this seems like very adventurous material. We’ve had potential for some recently like Pirates but Zimmer and his boys F’ed that up pretty bad. I was just watching part 2 and I swear in one scene he used a little casio keyboard to score it. I believe were in for some great Elfman when Robinson comes out.


    Judging from the production photos and concept art here is my prediction of the score. I’m guessing it’ll have a 50s-60s kitsch sound a la a ‘Tomorrowland’™ kinda feel, with some hints of Flubber, some Worm’s Lounge, sprinkled with Corpse Bride to round it out. I know I’m just speculating waiting for the future to arrive…today. Oh well, let’s just keep moving forward to 3 months from now. I can’t wait!


    Ryan Keaveney

    Listen to Nostradamus, here!


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