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Forums Forums General Discussion MIB2?

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  • #35390

    Any news on MIB 2?

    Is the score coming as soon as the movie or we have to wait for a month or so?
    I don’t like the waiting thing…

    By the way, everybody, nice to be sharing my comments with some of danny’s fans. I’m from Puerto Rico and not many people Know who the hell is Danny Elfman. Lucky me I discovered him 10 years ago…UHOOO!!!!!



    HEHE, you said it, slick. Same thing goes for Miami — all the Latin towns listen to “crappy pap” dance, bass, or salsa music and don’t have the open mind for film music or much classical. Their loss, but i guess that’s the way it is….


    Lets hope the wait isn’t as long as the last MIB. Had to wait untill Christmas practcally – when the video came out to buy.


    Hope we don’t have to go through what we did to get the Spiderman soundtrack released!

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