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Forums Forums General Discussion MIIB CD Clips ONLINE

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  • #35457

    The CLIPS from the SCORE are now up at the OFFICIAL SONY CLASSICAL MIB 2 SITE. These are clips from the ENTIRE CD!

    Visit to hear THE very enjoyable clips.

    The Intro/Logos cue that ELFMAN always employs is given in it’s entirety.



    I’m also GUESSING that these are the clips that the FAN BOY, a few posts back, listened to, to describe the score.

    You remember, the guy that said he had a PROMO of the MIIB soundtrack.

    There is no way that the CD could be sold at a USED CD shop. SONY would eat these people up. His statements were total BULL @!#$.

    His descriptions were totally, UNDOUBTLEDLY, lifted from the OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK SITE.

    Thank you.


    I LOVE the fact that not only the MIB main theme is back but also the INTIMATE Guitar Pieces from the first film aswell. You can hear some of that in the Track “J NABBED/K’s BACK”. PLUS the variations on the MAIN THEME in TITLES REVISITED are AWE INSPIRING. This will beat the first score I think.

    BACK to THe DAYS when The MOVIE MUSIC was the SOUNDTRACK and not that crappy “inspired by” @!#$.


    HEh…grab your torches and pitchforks!


    Total BULL @!#$, huh? Well, I don’t need to convince you. lol


    In defense of Kram Sacrul, he listed the orchestrators for me from the bookley. Information that wasn’t available online.

    I believe he has the CD. No need to be jealous people!



    Robeeerrt’s jeeealous! Robeeeerrt’s jeeealous! (waves promo cd in front of his face).

    Man, you really made an arse of yourself didn’t you! ;)


    Dude…the easiest (and i mean EASIEST) way to convince ANY of us isn’t so much the score info…do one better — what kind of picture is on the back cover of the cd? the inside backing when you remove the cd? You tell me or us that and when i get the cd, and i see the pics, i’ll believe ya. It is’t about jealousy…Hell, i’d rather see the movie first to get my impressions of the score…it’s more about validation, because you know how easy it is to fake things online. Sure, it sucks that the guy claims to have it a week before anyone else. But unless the guy actually works with the cd company or something, it just doesn’t hold water for me. I’m getting the cd the same day it gets released anyway, via UPS staight to my job, so it doesn’t bother me one bit. Like i said a few pages back —in a few days his notoriety will pretty much dissipate like a fart in the wind. Casper, eat your heart out.


    Let’s put this baby to rest. Indeed, all CDs are available in used CD shops in Los Angeles, before the commercial release date. Many record company employees dump a number of promos for cash — it’s a common occurance and many ways these low-paid employees apparently pick up some extra money.



    Hey that’s cool. I can dig it…but do the math — he came on here pretty much declaring he got the score before any of us did, and didn’t even give us a summary. You gotta admit, it’s like he was boasting. Note: if i ever get a cd before anyone, i’ll sure as hell be putting up a review of it in here. No boasting required.


    Of course I was boasting. I was so excited to have the cd score before any one else on here. It was pure luck I managed to find one, let alone four, unopened. I’ve enjoyed my few days of fame. I just regret not going into more detail of each specific track. Maybe next time. ;-)

    Dobbs, the back cover has the blue egg shaped screen from MIB headquarters tinted blue. The inside backing when you remove the cd is bluish purple with four of those furry guys with black eyes and antennas in the lower right hand corner. The numbers 86295 are just to the left of them in the center, at least on mine. The back of the front cover has many foldouts with pics but the one that is facing you when you open the cd case has, in bubbles, two worm guys talking to eachother, Tommy Lee Jones, and Will Smith.


    If that happened to me, I’d be boasting.


    Okay. I’m sorry. Blue Balls from having to wait.


    Ah, c’mon Robert, grovel! I think Kram would like to see you grovel…lol ;)



    KRAM: I got the “MIB2” album! Who wants to friggin’ touch me?


    hey good kram..but you might actually be the MAN for a few days longer, seeing as though it looks like theyre bumping back the date…Thanks for the cd cover detail.


    You know, for SOME damn reason i was more rabid about Spiderman than i am for Mib2….Go figure.

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