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  • #38422
    Ryan Keaveney

    Folks, listen up — literally! Daniel Schweiger at Filmmusic Mag has posted his latest interview, and it’s none other than Danny Elfman. Danny talks about WANTED, HELLBOY II and RABBIT & ROGUE. Check it out!


    Yup, it’s a great interview, like most of Daniel’s (the Horner one he did awhile back was awesome). Check it out!

    Danny Burton

    I live for stuff like this. Thanks!

    Danny Burton

    Uh, maybe it’s me, but the audio’s speed is %*%&ed up. They sound like The Chipmunks.



    This is a terrific, insightful, fun interview.

    Love the story about the Russian version of The Little Things…

    Had no idea he scored most of SOP without sync-ing to picture, or the stuff about the Tharp ballet.
    Can’t wait to hear that!

    The only thing I wish the interview had asked him about is the Erik Sanko marionette thing. from awhile back.

    It didn’t really occur to me to what extent – between the Serenada concert work, SOP, the Ballet – Elfman is really pushing himself into a new and exciting phase.


    Well, i guess this interview AND the Haunted Hotel story clearly puts an end to the rumour about Del Toro not being satisfied with the Hellboy score….! Apparently, he’s more than happy with it, and he and Danny get along good enough to visit haunted hotels and get drunk together ;-)

    Who had posted that story / rumour anyway?!!!!??


    P.S. : Am I the only one to be surprised about Danny saying that Kingdom is way more melodic than Wanted??? I don’t really get this… But I really love the fact that he could have done variations around the wanted themes forever… Last time I had heard him say such a thing about a theme, it was about Edward Scissorhands…. Anyway, I had not heard Elfman THAT satisfied about his job for a loooong time.
    Oh, and Forbidden Zone in color???? Where did that come from??? Didn’t Richard Elfman shoot the movie in black & white on purpose? I noticed there are COLOR Foribidden Zone dvd’s signed by Rick for sale on the official FZ website…


    I was surprised by that comment too – but then I thought that he was probably referring to the main themes from Kingdom, i.e. ‘Waiting’, ‘Friendship” and ‘Finale’ as opposed to the action music… That was my interpretation anyways.


    Good interview. I hate to talk smack, but that interviewer’s voice annoyed the crap outta me…


    Yes, he’s referring to guitars in The Kingdom and Wanted when he says that the first movie is more melodic than the last.

    Ryan Keaveney

    Hey now, we can’t all sound like Hal Douglas!


    If anyone is interested in Daniel Schweiger’s acting chops, check out Bubba-Hotep or Free Enterprise (good films). Even when I ready his print reviews of scores I can hear his voice in my head!

    John Mullin

    boingomusic Wrote:

    > Well, i guess this interview AND the Haunted Hotel
    > story clearly puts an end to the rumour about Del
    > Toro not being satisfied with the Hellboy
    > score….! Apparently, he’s more than happy with
    > it, and he and Danny get along good enough to
    > visit haunted hotels and get drunk together ;-)
    > Who had posted that story / rumour anyway?!!!!??

    I saw the movie on Tuesday (which is way better than the first!) and replied to it in another thread. Here’s what I wrote:

    In the film, track 03 “Training” and track 05 “Hallway Cruise” are absent (although it’s clear which scenes they were written for), but most of what’s on the CD is in the film in fine form. There are also, of course, a number of nifty cues that did not make the album. There’s a neat jazzy cue that plays twice when HB and the gang are getting ready to go out and take care of business. There are also some big ass statements of the ‘Hellboy motif” that make the theme in the film a little more identifiable.

    Overall, I like the score much more after seeing the picture than I did beforehand. The Last Elemental cue is gorgeous up against the picture, and some of the film’s other “soft” cues really work wonderfully too. The “Golden Army” scherzo (which appears in the main title, and then again in track 19, “In The Army Chamber” is really bad-ass in the film. It’s not heard much more than it is on the album, though!


    Yeah that was me. I was just repeating what I’d heard through people who work everyday at Universal. I’m not one to try and spread silly, unconfirmed rumors. I wonder if they meant they replaced a lot of what he wrote first, and then he had to do a lot of 12th hour rewrites?

    I can definitely confirm they were looking for extra orchestrators to make the score sound “bigger.”

    John Mullin

    jumby007 Wrote:

    > Yeah that was me. I was just repeating what I’d
    > heard through people who work everyday at
    > Universal. I’m not one to try and spread silly,
    > unconfirmed rumors. I wonder if they meant they
    > replaced a lot of what he wrote first, and then he
    > had to do a lot of 12th hour rewrites?
    > I can definitely confirm they were looking for
    > extra orchestrators to make the score sound
    > “bigger.”

    Yeah, the big statement of the HB motif (which isn’t on the album) is played in the film 3 or 4 times… it sounds a little like that might have been the result of some minor score tampering in the mix, but for the most part it’s all there, and seems to be where it was intended to be.

    You really do need to be careful with spreading those rumors, though… sometimes comments that are made/overheard are completely misleading and may not relate to the situation at hand. A music editor, for example, may be bitching about having to reconform music for a variety of reasons – minor pictures changes, last minute studio requests, etc, or various other issues pertaining to the mix. That doesn’t mean that the score is in trouble or that the composer screwed… it’s just a semi-common part of the process, and unless you’re neck deep in that particular situation, it’s hard to know what those rumblings mean and how blown out of proportion the chatter might be.

    Word is that Elfman didn’t start working on the movie full time until March, and perhaps it just came down it to them needing more personnel toward the end? The score is enormous, and it was a relatively modestly budgeted picture, as summer action flicks go. Perhaps they didn’t get approval for a bigger orchestra until late in the process? That’s total speculation on my part, but such a hypothetical situation could easily be read negatively and positively at the same time. Only those right up against it seem to know for sure, and judging from the interviews that Elfman and Del Torro have done, both walked away really happy.

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