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Forums Forums General Discussion O’Reilly AutoParts Rips Elfman off…

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  • #37561
    Dawg Man

    For anyone who watches the Weather Channel, this will piss you off to no end. Some company (“O’Reilly Autoparts”) have hired a commercial composer to rip off Elfman’s Scissorhands with synth. It was such a blatant rip-off too. It’s not even like they’re trying to hide it. The notes, the theme and the instrumentation, everything was more or less the same except for maybe some “tiny” alterations here and there to keep from copyright infringement.


    Now I see why Elfman did the Nissan ads. He knew if he didn’t they’d hire some guy to screw up his material and rip him off.


    Dawg Man Wrote:

    > Now I see why Elfman did the Nissan ads. He knew
    > if he didn’t they’d hire some guy to screw up his
    > material and rip him off.

    Actually, Elfman said that himself in several 90’s interviews, so it’s not like it’s any big news. Here in Norway, we usually don’t have any of the commercials that you have in the US, so I’ve never seen any Elfman-scored ads (or sound-a-likes) on Norwegian screens. However, I’ve downloaded some from the net. The most blatant EDWARD rip-off must be the Chanel No. 5 one.


    Well, actually, correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the Channel No 5 commercial doesn’t rip off Elfman’s music, they just used it, with copyright permission. I know it’s not the original version, but I think the version used for the commercial appears in some film music compilation…


    Dawg Man

    I understand if a commercial licences the music for use but hiring another composer and having him do someone else’s music seems wrong to me.


    I seem to recall a commercial for Jordan’s Furniture here in New England (they have 2 IMAX theaters and other fun stuff in their stores…good place) that not only featured a cartoon ripoff of the Simpsons main title, but there was also an altered version of the theme. I only saw it air once, so maybe they ran into issues. On a side note about the store itself, I give much praise because when I went to one of their stores to see “Spider-Man 2” on IMAX, they played the score CD from the first movie in the waiting area before the movie began…respect.


    boingomusic Wrote:

    > Well, actually, correct me if I’m wrong, but I
    > believe the Channel No 5 commercial doesn’t rip
    > off Elfman’s music, they just used it, with
    > copyright permission. I know it’s not the original
    > version, but I think the version used for the
    > commercial appears in some film music
    > compilation…

    Actually, that isn’t entirely true. Yes, they may have licenced the piece from one of those Silva compilations (“Choral Classics” or something), but it’s HEAVILY edited in the ad itself, to the extent that the theme is never allowed to come all the way through, even though it’s clearly EDWARD. So why would they licence the piece if they were just going to mess it up anyway?

    Ryan Keaveney

    It was probably cheaper than hiring someone to rewrite the music and record it.



    How dare they! Thats gotta be a sin written in the Bible or something. Somebody should check. Thou shalt not steal…. or alter.

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