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Forums Forums General Discussion Puppet Masterpiece Theater

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Thor.
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    Apparently, sometime in 2012, Elfman wrote music for an iPad game called “Puppet Masterpiece Theater : Circus”.

    And the complete soundtrack appears on youtube. First, I thought it was a fan-made score, but the more I listened and the more it sounded like a real elfman-synth score. After doing some research, I found this :

    So, it is real !!! How did we miss this ???

    And here is the soundtrack :


    I didn’t miss it. I remember it well. But I’ve been waiting for someone to record it properly.


    Yup. I bought the app and extracted the “raw” audio files straight from their folders using a free program called iFunBox.
    The music is good but he’s reused some of it in other projects.


    I’d be interested in those raw files, Dr. Giggles, if you would be willing to share (but perhaps we’re now bordering on illegal discussions).

    As long as we’re talking ‘puppet’-related things, I wish he recorded THE FORTUNE TELLER at some point. I have the main theme, which is gorgeous, but that’s it.


    I had a harddisk crash a few months ago, and lost all my data (including my entire Elfman collection). I’ve slowly managed to rebuild it, but among the casualties I’ve been unable to find are the files from this. So Dr. Giggles — any chance you could send me those raw audio files?

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