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    Hey ERika, Nah, i didn’t get Campbell’s Smart ass book — which i’ll bet it is — but since ya mentioned it, pass me the name of it and i’ll go buy it. Considering his character as a role model is pretty…obtuse (i guess you could say)..considering Bruce himself said that Ash is a pretty dumb guy with a big mouth…but oh well, I guess it sucks even worse when you’re a TICK fan as well…BAD COMBO. You’re a lady after my own heart, i swear to ya. Take it easy.

    And here’s another deposit for you fellows on Spiderman, and why (as TEX said above) there are lots of gripes about this score not being the “one they wanted to hear.” Bunch of crybaby poopy pants, if ya ask me. When i heard the music (and this is my serious impression on it, no BS), at first i was like — ehh, okay. Elfman is doing the percussion-synthy thing. Okay…i get that. Looks like he’s mixing Planet of the Apes, Batman and Edward Scissorhands a bit. When i thought some more, i just figured, well, what the heck do all the jungle drums and synthy stuff have to do with spiders? I think people just were expecting something huge, London Symphony Orchestra style, if you get me. Instead he just made a score thin like the spider’s web and small/nimble like the spider. When i put it in those terms, i got it. or maybe they just wanted to hear the old Spiderman theme…Ah, those die hard enthusiasts..they’re so WACKY!
    Even so, Let’s not forget that Spiderman isn’t really a dark, brooding character. He’s a daylight guy. He’s swinging around buildings in red undies and saving people left and right and actually saying Hi and stuff to them. He’s cracking jokes, for chrissakes. You know, i hope one day Elfman gets a crack at some serious Wolverine flick. THAT would kick major ass, my friends. But that’s besides the point.
    Okay, now here’s some really cool trivia for all you readers out there —

    Since the film’s opening, how many Spiderman nutsies have been busted for doing something completely stupid? And if you recall, describe the incident. Have a good one. See you on the other side.


    Dobbs – the Campbell book is called “Confessions of a B Movie Star” or replace “Star” with “actor”…not to sound dumb, but it’s something along those lines. I don’t have it right here in front of me, and don’t have the title memorized, so I’m not certain…but in any case, I really do think that the first 5 words are correct. *If anybody finds any correction in that title, go ahead and change the necessary words to fit the correct title* Hahahaha…Yeah, I loved The Tick! Is that still on? I just remember watching it when I was like…11 or 12, maybe a few years off. It was great! Now I watch a lot of “Spaceghost Coast to Coast” on the good ol’ Cartoon Network…the Brak Show on adult swim is also fantastic, in my warped scheme of things that is.

    Haven’t heard of any weird Spidey movie things, although my friend whom I went to see it with wore his Spiderman tightie whities on the outside of his pants during the viewing…uh, I guess you could count that as weird, but I figure that’s just Jared, the local – but very loveable – nutcase who works at the comic book store I practically lived at in high school :) Later…



    Heh..yeah the book IS called “Confessions of a b movie actor.”

    To be honest with you, i give more credit for creative people making mistakes than practical people. Why? Well, because when creative people make them, usually it benefits them..hehehe. Practical minded people tend to just go nuts when they catch themselves for something dumb…Like they have to control the universe or something. Me? i act dumb..on purpose! Umm, yeah…HA hAAAAAA.

    They recently had a Tick live action series on Fox that got cancelled because no one was watching it, apparently. Jay’s partner in the new MiB2 was the guy who played Tick. Patrick Waterberg, i think. I thought it was pretty cool…too bad the general public didn’t think so. My guess is it got lost because it was turning into a low-key action show and more like a sitcom. Plus they renamed around some of the characters, for some odd reason.
    Oh well…i’m gonna take a look see for that book.
    Hasta la vista


    Both Tick fans AND readers of Bruce Cambell’s ass kicking autobiography!? Why the hell aren’t you people living in Chicago!? Alas… you’re only on the net. :-/

    Anyway, Cambell’s book is one of the most entertaining reads I’ve ever had — from the “introduction” by the Raimis to Bruce’s disdain for “Hollywood” actors, I don’t think I laughed so hard.

    Best line:
    “You! You tried to kill my classic! Listen to me, mister — you will NEVER kill the CLASSIC!”
    — Sam Raimi after Bruce tried to dismantle his Oldsmobile

    As for the Tick show, I was just getting to like it a lot when they took it off the air. Batmanuel was getting funnier, and the mojo between the whole group getting better. What a shame they didn’t just give it another season to breathe and work out all the kinks.

    Best line:
    “You’re taking up BOTH spaces!? Why don’t you just park the Batmanuelmobile in ONE space?”
    “Because I will not expose her guilded doors to the evil hazards of dings!”
    — Arthur and Batmanuel

    Patrick Warhburn (sp?), by the way, was also on Seinfeld and recently in Big Trouble — by MIB director Barry Sonnenfeld.

    To me, though, nothing will ever beat the original Edlund comic or the Tick cartoon show — wacky, screwed up stuff I tells ya. :-)

    Peace Love and all that Jazz. . .


    Why am I here? Because a Big Clown PUT me HERE!!!!

    -The Tick

    Just thought I would add to the mayhem.



    Yeah. the cartoon was awesome. Same for the comics. The last of the sitcom i saw was when he had to rescue Arthur from the asylum. And there was one where he was talking to the toilet…funny crap, i tells ya.

    I just think it’s a shame that they expanded the Evil Dead Universe into video games…I woulda rather opted for movies, you know…Now they’re supposedly making the next chapter — where Ash goes back to his town and it’s overrun with Deadites, and of course, you know it’s a brawling game ala Double Dragon or whatnot. I recall Bruce saying that if he was ever gonna reprise his role as Ash, he’d return as a total FAT Ash, just basking in his bad self, like fat Elvis. That woulda been funnier to see than these lame games…but oh well, it’s something. If that book is as funny as you say it is, then i’m gonna buy the sucker, for sure. I haven’t read a book since…well, since the National Enquirer on line at the grocery store. That’s pretty sad…but that’s me. Amen to ya, and horsepucky – Chicago is MAD cold. I’m a desert person living in swamp. Go figure my losses.


    The Tick is saucy! (I was especially fond of “the midnight bomber what bombs at midnight” villan/guy episode. He was crazy, oh yes)!

    Anyways, the Bruce Campbell book is called “If Chins Could Kill” the sub-title is “Confessions of a B Movie Actor”–see, I’m obsessed with more things than just Danny!


    Fat Ash? Hahahaha! I LOVE IT!

    Chi, eh? If you think that’s wicked cold, you really need to check out Nebraska around mid-January…case in point: my granny had to bring her cattle into her living room during a funeral in mid-Jan. because otherwise they would’ve frozen to death. (Yes, my granny runs a funeral home/bed and breakfast, and cattle farm in the front yard — all this can be found in northeastern Nebraska…lovely lady, my granny is…) Yes, yes, I’d love to live around/near people that 1) have an appreciation for good music (i.e. not that radio-friendly crap that infects the airwaves), but alas, it isn’t to be…at least for a while!



    A funeral home / bed and breakfast??? That’s like something right out of Six Feet Under on HBO…man, that’s pretty odd. Never really heard that before. Up there it probobly makes more sense than down here with your big cities.

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