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  • #35434

    Umm…oh yeah, that’s right. Now i remember why i keep my Elfman and film scores to myself. Thanks for reminding me. Alot of you cry censorship and criticism, and i sympathize, because i’m as prone to it as anyone else is. But with all the the jeers from other film composers, etc., Look at it from freaking ELFMan’s Point of View..i wonder if any of you would knock what HE listens to…Because i’m quite sure he doesn’t sit back and listen to his OWN stuff 24/7. And i’d actually feel pretty different about the man if he was ever coined as one to honor himself, which i’m glad he doesn’t. Maybe HE likes Horner’s stuff. Ever thought of THAT? I love elfman’s music, but at the same time i don’t come to some conclusion that his eye crust can feed a family of 4, or that he urinates 24 karat liquid gold, to take from Stern. He’s a human being, like everyone else, who prefers the fringe of society over the bullseye of it, in my estimation, and he is talented for his weird compositions that don’t get as much credit as they probobly deserve, but damn — the fact that he’s still UNDERDOG makes him that much more valuable (to me, anyway). If he was to go “Metallica” and get totally popular/commercial, i don’t know what i’d do. Same goes for the characters/themes he scores for — I’d probobly feel very different if Edward Scissorhands or any other number of characters got “accepted.” He’s a voice for the misfit. Take that away, and he’s just another film composer. In relation to Horner, as well as a few other composers, i’m sure, he’s (Horner) scored for fellow misfits…and for that i enjoy HIS offerings (even the banal Windtalkers which,when stripped down, is about the minority Indian nation, and Cage’s disillusioned character, from My Point of View). As far as i am concerned, i’m a nobody and i prefer to be left that way, and i value anything/anyone that expresses that same feeling.
    At the end of the day, it should be more about the things Elfman (or anyone else) is providing music for, which is the emotional aspect, than anything else, which is what i’m sure most of you must hold most valuable when it comes to this type of music. In this case it’s the misfit, which is what we really admire about his work… And i really think this is VERY relative…even right down to Horner. right down to ANY damn film composer. Don’t forget why you really listen to Elfman, because I KNOW he pretty much hits the same emotional core as the other composers do, for you.(Same has to do with your Marc Shaiman project and your links, Ryan. You value him and anyone else for the impressions they give to you on a personal level, i’m sure).
    And you can take this to the bank. Take care you guys.


    Um . . . what?


    I second Infynitie.


    Dobbs, please explain why you’re upset…?

    I think we’re all missing something.



    It brings up an interesting question: “What does Danny listen to?”

    I know he listens to Indian Film Muisc, but what else, and what Indian scores are his favorites?


    Nah, not upset. Nevermind, if it’s not really understood. this has to deal with old stuff i don’t really wanna bring up, at the risk of starting another one of those racy topics…so don’t worry about it.


    He listens to Prokofiev, also.



    In his Peewee Herman Commentary, he is pretty emphatic about the influence of Herrmann, Korngold, and Rosza, on his music. Also, I think I remember reading about how much he enjoys Bartok as well as Prokofiev.


    I know he brings up Herrmann because of his love of Ray Harryhausen movies, but he always says that he “listened” to them and the classical composers, but as for what he is listening to now; I heard on a Radio Show that he was really into Indian Film Score music, and I would like to know which CDs or Artists he is now listening to.

    I also know he used to listen to Nino Rota and Eric Satie because of the influences on Pee-Wee and Forbidden Zone respectively.


    Yeah, there are definately Rota influences.
    But, in that Peewee commentary he repeatedly refers to Herrmann as his “master.” In addition, I’ve read interviews in which he shows very high respect for him.
    He also said, at least at that time, he didn’t listen to much “classical” music; he stated that he experienced alot of classical music via film score composers. For instance, (paraphrased) people had been alleging how much Wagner must have influenced his Batman score. However true this may be, he would reply that he honestly didn’t listen to Wagner and he most likely got the influence from another composer who was very Wagner-esque. *shrugs*
    I don’t know what he meant by Indian Film Music. I assume he meant kind of Ethnic Eastern Music, right?


    That’s why i said NEVERMIND. To each his own, in the end…and isn’t that the way, when you really hit the bone? Just a thought on one’s personal preferences…


    NOt to be silly and immature, but yeah, Dobbs, I think I get what you’re saying. I like Elfman because he’s – or at least I perceive him this way – a geek. He makes it okay to be a freak and actually not want to jump off a bridge because of my inherent weirdness. I don’t like talking about Elfman to the “uninitiated” because then they’d like him too, and I’d be “just like everyone else.” THis doesn’t mean that I listen to Elfman as my only source of music, or even film music for that matter. Not by a long shot. However, I think I’ll always have Elfman as my favorite because he’ll always seem to me, at least, to be a little bit shy and awkward, but has a lot to say once you take the time to understand his music — sort of like me and my writing/music. If there’s anything I treasure in this world, it’s my place on the fringe of society. Yeah, I like being weird and generally socially unaccepted. It fills some strange, sick and twisted desire. I know the previous commentary sounded strange and unequivocally selfish, but take from it what you will, or won’t, for that matter…


    PS: Indian film music is huge over there! Think commercial radio = film music. If you ever get a chance, listen to “Engal Kalyanam” – tenatively translated as “Our Wedding.” It’s from *I think* a film in the 60s, but I could be wrong about the year(s). It’s just about the craziest thing you’ll ever hear (really, it is!)…


    Heh..well, that’s what i mean…you tell people you listen to Elfman or whoever for that matter (when it comes to this kinda music) and they pretty much think you’re weird or gay. I never really saw the connection, but society pretty much keeps me in my place with this, which is on the outer rim. I personally don’t like to advertise myself in any way…People ask what i listen to and i just say “Oh, a little bit of everything..” to be non-specific and boring. This music is just too…OPEN..too revealing, and most people probobly won’t admit to such vulernabilities. I never DID take to songs and lyrics as much as i have just plain old bare music. It’s like songs are already preset with a certain definition, since it has lyrics and stuff. Like, take some heavy metal tune singing about killing, say, his boss…well, that’s great, but what if you like the music, but you don’t identify with the lyrics? What if you feel like killing someone else?Or what if the music makes you feel angry, but not in a killing mood? Kinda makes things confusing. Score music is pretty much an empty palette, and you put whatever personal stuff you want into it. That’s how i see it. I guess this stuff is just too personal. And you probobly wouldn’t share it with someone who isn’t into it, themselves, or worse, they ARE into it and you feel generic, like Erika says…just like everyone else. Which is also disconcerting. Call me what you will, but you guys sure as hell won’t ever see me get up on a podium in real life talking about this…

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