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Forums Forums General Discussion What does Tim Burton think about Batman Begins ?

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  • #37401

    Hi folks,

    We know that the last Batman movie (Batman Begins) is the definitive Batman movie and it mean very realistic, but the version, I mean the Vision of Burton’s about the caracter is very close to the comic book. If you’ve watched this film so many time, you’re realised that it’s far a masterpiece; think about the dialogue, the darkness, the huge music score, the edithing, the photography, the eyes of Micheal Keaton and his mouth, he realy fit with his costume on caracter. It’s OK, Christian Bale did a great job, but Keaton still be the Batman… By watching the animated series, you’ve also realised that it very similar to the darkness vision of the Batman caracter and Gotham espacialy the mixt of the 40’s and the middle of 80’s.

    So, after watching this new DVD with the entire audion commantary by the director, Tim Burton, I’m ask about this question : ” What does Tim Burton THINK about the recent Batman Begins”. Did he said something about this Batman Begins does he like it or not ?, I’m very curious about that, because Tim did a great job and he is responsable for the succes of his movie.


    Edward Bloom

    Well, I don’t think he cares much about it. He said on several occasions that he’s not into comics or super-hero movies at all; I even wonder if he actually saw it. Releasing two movies in a row doesn’t give you a lot of freetime you know…


    Kevin Smith wasn’t very happy about that fact. They’re mortal enemies, though he did praise “Corpse Bride” when he saw it with his daughter.

    Dawg Man

    Michael Keaton said he liked BEGINS in an interview. I imagine Tim wouldn’t hate it then.

    I don’t think Tim and Kevin are moretal enemies though. I think that’s an overstatement.

    Ghost Moth

    Kevin Smith released a statement a few years ago reminding people that he loved Tim’s films and he’d still be first in line to see his newest film.

    Tim Burton wasn’t the only one on the project who didn’t like Kevin’s Superman script.

    Edward Bloom

    Well, here’s your answer. I was pretty close from the truth :


    He never saw “Batman Forever”?! He produced it! Wow. I had been curious about his upcoming slate seeing that it’s empty, but I guess he does deserve a break.

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