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Forums Forums General Discussion Why is Danny Elfman so great?

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    Why is Danny Elfman so great? However, his greatness never gets rewarded, well, hardly.


    dunno, but when your music is chosen to score a video game instead of crappy japanese action music (Batman returns-super nintendo-1993) well, you gotta be great.

    -Alonso (that doll is evil i tells ya!!!!!! evil!!!!!) Vences


    He composes saucy music, writes snazzy lyrics, gave great performances (via Oingo Boingo), seems to never run out of creativity, doesn’t try to be a major spotlight hound, is one hell of a great singer, is a bit demented (which is a good thing, by the way), and I’m assuming he has at least one dog–considering I’ve read in interviews and have seen a few pictures with him and a pooch (including “Gus” the mascot for the Farewell concert). And, in my little world, you just don’t get any better than dogs–they’re so cute! Plus, he looks quite snazzy with a goatee!

    But that’s just my opinion. I mean, there’s tons of other reasons why the guy’s great–but it’d just get redundant after awhile.

    (And of course that doll is evil, Alonso–they all are! They do bad things when no one is looking!)


    oh, you caught my little joke about danny elfman being a fan of dolls… i personally despise those little girl dolls… i think that they come to life at night and then do unspeakable horrible things…

    -Alonso (just cant get over my childhood traumas) Vences

    P.S.- have you kicked your baby today (little in-joke, for Evil Dead)


    >>>i personally despise those little girl dolls… i think that they come to life at night and then do unspeakable horrible things…<<< I’d stay away from Elfman’s Insanity music video if I were you. In fact, don’t go near his Little Girls one either… might give ya the creeps. It sure did me — god bless the screwed up bastards that called themselves Oingo Boingo. Peace Love and all that Jazz. . .

    PS — I still have that Batman Returns game. Not a bad translation — I even like some of the tracks they made up for the bosses… had a definite Elfmanesque flavor.


    it’s just that if you look at a doll right at the fcae and then stare at it for a while, well…. you get a spine tingling feeling that just scares the living hell outta me… like i said in my “in-name joke” (which by the way wasnt funny), its a truma from childhood i cant shake off…
    even at nights i still wake upe screaming and sweating… those horrible fottsteps in my head… and there it is… in the love seat… that mask… taunting me… with it’s diabolical smile… and those hollow eyes… that voice repeating ‘the world can be yours… and mine”… looking myself in the mirror… my own reflection laughing at me…
    and yes, the boss music for batman returns is great and i also like the scene where you are attacked by the peguins


    Dolls are definately bad voodoo. The only place fitting for really bad dolls (besides bonfires) are strong cages and such. And I’m thinking they should give inmates dolls to scare ’em straight–because I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be locked up with one of those little suckers!

    Even when I was a kid, I knew the truth. They tried to give me Barbie dolls when I was a little girl–that, and the dreaded Cabbage Patch Kids (eeeewww)! And I’m tellin’ ya, you lucked out if you were a boy–because society dictates that little girls are the ones who’re supposed to play with the dolls….yeah, you try sleeping in a room filled with all those vacant stares!

    But I’m just glad they caught on at some point in time, and started buying stuffed animals, instead. (I think that saved me years of therapy–in that department, at least)! And by the way, even if you dismember the dolls, they’re still evil–just creepier. And sneaky.

    And I’m glad other people feel the same way. I know Danny thinks dolls are spooky–but I don’t get why he collects the things. I mean, people who’re scared of ghosts don’t exactly spend the night in a haunted house, you dig? Still, I suppose you’ve got to admire the man for facing fear head on….

    (And I’m sure to at least kick one baby each and every day, Alonso! Two if I’m feelin’ spiffy, and three on a super-saucy day! And sometimes, when I see someone with an infant, I whisper “Drop it, DROP it….” just to aggravate my friend. She actually likes the little things. Go figure! Yes, it’s okay–I know I’m not right in so very many ways….)


    I find it interesting that you guys have the old Nintendo game…


    He has a gift for making people feel a story or a thought without words.

    I’m new here. I’m so glad you have a site like this.

    I first noticed Mr. Elfman when I watched Edward Scissorhands years ago. I’ve been a fan ever since. I have the soundtrack to ES…

    You just can’t have a great film without him. I know his music when I hear it.

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