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Forums Forums General Discussion Tim Burton’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’

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  • #65251

    Well.. that kind of happened for PLANET OF THE APES.. .one track is listed “Preparing for Battle” when in fact that is the track where both sides are charging at one another. Danny doesn’t pick the titles of the tracks, I don’t think. Pretty sure that job belongs to someone else. But I could be wrong.

    Mr. Dantz

    Are the lyrical versions of Alice’s theme only for the album? Or what happened there? I was disappointed they weren’t in the movie … although I found the movie to be pretty mediocre, anyway.


    Mr. Dantz Wrote:

    > Are the lyrical versions of Alice’s theme only for
    > the album? Or what happened there? I was
    > disappointed they weren’t in the movie …
    > although I found the movie to be pretty mediocre,
    > anyway.

    well actually it was after Avril Lavigne’s song in the end credits.

    The movie is horrible. You know first 30 minutes was ok.. its interesting, fun but then… blah! Burton should runaway from Disney as far as he could. Danny’s music is the only bright spot.

    Mr. Dantz

    But what are with the reprises? I have a feeling some last-minute cuts went on.

    And I agree. I felt the “reality” portion was more interesting than most of what went on in wonderland. Now that I look back on it, not much really DID happen.

    Ryan Keaveney

    Danny titles all of his cues. This is standard practice among composers.


    Um, Weepy Donuts? Come on, guys! :)

    Ryan Keaveney

    Check it:

    Daniel Schweiger interviews Danny. Their last interview really had Elfman opening up and using some choice language (sweet). This one’s all about ALICE and Tim Burton.


    Hate his voice, but damn I love him interviews.



    I thought Truman Capote passed on?

    Ryan Keaveney

    Intrada Records mails out a weekly list of new releases with links to their online store. Whenever a new Elfman album comes out I always look with interest to see what Intrada has to say…

    Alice In Wonderland (2010) Danny Elfman $17.99
    Label: Disney 490002
    (51:09) Original soundtrack from Tim Burton vision of Lewis Carroll classic, presented by Walt Disney Pictures, starring Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway. Danny Elfman anchors entire work with unusually strong main theme for Alice (often with chorus) that launches in minor but plays frequently with rich major harmonies. Opening version with “moto perpetuo” triplet figure in strings is a stunner! Orchestral sequences bring in suspense, dynamic action. “Bandersnatched” one such exciting highlight, “Alice Escapes” another, “Going To Battle” yet another. Real treat for Danny Elfman fans! Crisp recording made at Sony Scoring (orchestra), Air Lyndhurst & Abbey Road in London (choir). Pete Anthony conducts this knockout!

    Ryan Keaveney

    ‘ALICE’ UNCHAINED: The star-packed “Alice in Wonderland: Almost Alice” album launches at No. 1 on the Soundtracks survey and No. 5 on the Billboard 200.

    The set sports songs inspired by the hit film’s subject matter, as well as the movie’s end-titles track “Alice” by Avril Lavigne. The latter cut begins on the Hot 100 at No. 71, marking Lavigne’s first entry on the list as an artist since the No. 95-peaking “Hot” in December 2007. Since, she appeared as a co-writer on Leona Lewis’ “I Will Be” (No. 56) and the Glee Cast’s cover of her own “Keep Holding On” (No. 71) last year.

    With a roster including the All-American Rejects, Franz Ferdinand, Owl City, the Cure’s Robert Smith and They Might Be Giants, the collection concurrently bows atop Rock Albums and Alternative Albums.

    The concept album outperforms the movie’s proper soundtrack, although “Alice in Wonderland Music by Danny Elfman” makes a similarly strong start on Soundtracks at No. 6. It enters the Billboard 200 at No. 89.


    A friend of mine wrote this. There’s a cute little Elfman reference. Thought some might find it amusing. :) :


    (I’m French, and my english Is limit, so i speak in french ;))

    Je voulais simplement écrire a Danny Elfman pour les magnifique compostions qui nous font tant rêver.
    Chaque musique qu’il compose est une explosion de magie, qui me fais voyager.

    En ce moment, avec un ami en musicologie, on tente de faire une petite annimation en pâte à modeler, (en nous inspirant de votre travail et de celui de Tim burton). Vous êtes des modèle de perfection pour moi.

    Je vous souhaite tout le bonheur que vous mériter, et j’ai hate d’écouter d’autre composition.

    (J’ai acheter les Bo de : Big fish, sweeney todd, les noces funèbres, l’étrange noel…. et je les passe en boucle)

    Bonne continuation a vous.

    Clément Le Breton (21 ans, France)


    Ok Ryan before you erase this : it’s a French fan who thanks M. Elfman (and M. Burton) for their work in general. I’m basically answering that this board is a fanbase and that Elfman doesn’t actually visit the place (on a daily basis at least) or answer posts.

    “Salut Clément,
    Merci pour ton message, cela fait toujours plaisir de lire que le travail de Danny Elfman touche dans le monde entier, à tous les âges.
    Cela dit, ce forum est un forum de fans et il est peu probable que Danny Elfman le lise, du moins régulièrement. Pour les messages comme les tiens, envoyer une lettre traduite à l’agence qui s’occupe du compositeur me semble plus judicieux. :-)
    Si tu as d’autres questions, contacte-moi par email si tu veux car il n’est pas autorisé de parler dans une autre langue que l’anglais ici, pour des raisons évidentes de modération.

    Bien à toi !”


    I think its great. I love the theme. I feel like its a merging of the best of his techniques from over the years.

    But does anybody else find “Down The Hole” VERRRRRYYY reminiscent of “Up and Out” from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? I mean, I love it…its freakin awesome. It makes me feel like I’m tumbling down a deep deep crater, but still lol.


    Where Futterwacken dance in album? :(


    Here’s another take on the question : “Where is the Futterwacken dance album ?!”


    Bad English(

    Ryan Keaveney

    DVD and Blu-ray coming June 1, including Blu-ray only featurette: “Scoring Wonderland – Composer Danny Elfman and Tim Burton discuss the music for the movie. “


    Damn you, Disney!


    That stinks. I don’t have a blu-ray player but I’m not going to get a player just to see Elfman’s teaturette. Also, I think they are releasing this on DVD and blu-ray too soon.


    Well that early release is part of Disney’s new politic, the one that almost caused the film not to be released in many European countries.

    While I’m certainly disappointed about this light DVD version, I’m glad they’re releasing a DVD/Bluray/Digital Copy edition so I don’t have to buy the thing again when I’ll get a Bluray player. Extras are getting worse these days anyway…


    To be honest when I first heard of Tim doing “Alice”, 1.) I thoght he was going to stay true to the book and 2.) I thought that Danny would lend his voice to be the cheshire cat too.


    I’m convinced that there was a full-length title sequence for Alice in Wonderland. And both that and the short titles in the film were made to be weighed-up near the end of production.
    I think so because, first the Album doesnt include any title music. Just what they knew was going to be in the film, so Little Alice is the first track of score. If the titles in the film were the only titles, surely the opening track would be on the CD?

    Secondly, on the slightly mysterious Elfman Oscar profile for ABC (was he nominated recently?) there is a shot of a scoring session sheet for Alice which has both “Titles-Short” AND “Titles-Long” on it along with the other opening cues.

    So. Sorry for what became a rant. Does anyone know anything?

    Mr. Dantz

    Elfman scored a longer version of the titles with lyrics solely for himself. I guess he wrote the lyrics in an airport and at the last minute decided to make it his own project. There’s an interview posted here where he explains all this. I was disappointed the lyrical versions weren’t in the movie.

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