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Forums Forums General Discussion A little Elfman fanbase question…

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  • #37378

    I am a music education major at the University of Central Oklahoma…the more I learn about theory and such, the more I get to appreciate the music Elfman brings to the table. I know from previous posts that many of us are well read in theory, but I’ve never seen it detailed at all….where is everyone from? Studyting?


    High schooler from north of Boston, MA, and I know absulutely nothing about music other than the fact that I’m obsessed with the music of Danny Elfman as well as many other film composers.


    Gots my B.M in jazz studies (piano) from SDSU, about to get my M.M. in composition. Pretty good at theory, although it’s a never ending process.


    Just a music lover who is obsessed with Elfman! Other than that i have no background in music other than taking piano, tromebone, and trumpet once each in college! i was actually pretty ok on the piano. Im just working in an Anime store in downtown Los Angeles, Little Tokyo and im currently studying graphic design and am interested in script writing and directing I should stop now cause this is a lotta info about me that no one wants to know! Sorry!!

    Mr. Dantz

    I know some theory, but I mainly compose by ear and never write my stuff down. I find there’s no point at the moment because I don’t have access to a real orchestra.


    I have a master’s in music education, and I am a school band director. Theory is about the most useful skill I learned in HS and college!


    I work in classical music in NYC, the administrative side. I am not an active musician, just a terrible terrible piano player. I am educated in theory but not in making music. Lucky my job lets me go to orchestral concerts as often as I like (including elfman’s carnegie hall gig), and i’m actually currenty in charge of a extremely high profile film music project. But I’m walking away from it in two weeks. It sucks but I have to do it.


    I’ve had synthesizers lessons in the past, and learned a bit typical theory ; but i learned a few things like advanced theory, composing, orchestrating,etc. by listening to music and experimenting on keyboards/piano/other instruments.Now, I started classical piano lessons and all theory , so i’ll get to learn all that right and fully i hope…
    Danny Elfman is surely one of the artists who kept(and keeps) giving me the right mood and energy to occupy with music as seriously as i can…

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