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  • #37499
    Ryan Keaveney

    I don’t believe it.

    I was watching American Idol tonight and this young gal was auditioning, singing “O Holy Night”. She was terrible. She tried singing “Silent Night”, the judges begged her to stop. After the girl left, Simon remarked “It’s like the soundtrack to NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS”…!!!


    Mr. Dantz

    OMG hahahahahaha OMG LOLZ LMFAO HAHAHAHAH!!! Ryan watches American Idol! HAHAHAHAHAH!!! ;)

    Dawg Man

    Was that a slam?

    If it was… Simon’s likely getting his ass jumped by Elfman some time soon. I can imagine Danny hiding out with a lead pipe somewhere in an alleyway outside the Idol studios. Then when Simon walks by, out of nowhere, he pounces and beats the hell out of him while singing “What’s this”.

    Ross Marshall

    AHA! That’s the perfect idea for a Nightmare sequel that all these punk/emo/goth kids want so badly!


    Hmm, is it a slam? Maybe Simon is referring to the spooky vocals in Nightmare, and how they’re sung by monsters and the like, i.e., Making Christmas.

    His comment really doesn’t make all much sense.

    That’s the perfect idea for a Nightmare sequel that all these punk/emo/goth kids want so badly!

    It’s funny how the punk/emo/goth lot feels that The Nightmare Before Christmas was made for them. But it wasn’t. Nightmare isn’t a goth-film at all. It’s German expressionism as well an amalgamation and homage to vintage films from the 30s, 40s and 50s.


    oh is it.

    Ryan Keaveney

    They just like it because they hang out at Hot Topic!

    And yes, I watch AMERICAN IDOL. :)



    Well, I think it’s a great punchline that I don’t believe has anything whatsoever to do with the actual film or score. The girl sang Christmas carols…so ‘Christmas’. And she sang badly….hence ‘Nightmare’. So ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’. Cruel, yes, but funny. :)



    Hear hear, Thor.


    yupper …..i usually don’t watch that show but did by mistake and saw that!


    oh is it.

    Well, I mean, if you love the movie, than ultimately it was made for you, but consider this:

    DRE: Both you and Tim come off a little Goth even though you were both older when it first hit big. Were you ever like that?

    ELFMAN: No, I was never like anything. When I started in the 1970’s I was only into music recorded before 1935. So I was a freak. I’m closer to some kind of weird film/music nerd than like some kind of punk or Goth. Then suddenly I wanted to be in a ska band and I did this weird musical theater for years. I got all these different incarnations. But I’ve never been a punk or a Goth. I think I’ve just been a nerd with these like weird musical styles.

    Coincidently, Elfman is always wearing black.


    I HATE seeing all these goth people obsess over NBC, thinking it expresses their life completely. Sorry if I’m offending anyone, I’m sort of preppy.


    I very seldom would listen to the opinion of a man who wears his shirts tighter than mine :P


    I HATE seeing all these goth people obsess over NBC, thinking it expresses their life completely.

    Yeah, ironically, the main theme of The Nightmare Before Christmas is that one should step into someone else’s shoes every now and then. One should experience something dramatically different in their life — to act and look differently — and to find passion in that.

    Mr. Dantz

    I want to be a goth because it expresses how no one understands me like Jack Skellington in the Nightmare Before Christmas. No one understands me because I’m SO deep!


    Everyone understands Jack. Everyone understands his gifts. He’s a celebrity. It’s Christmas that his neighbors didn’t understand, that is, until they were able to experience an “unspoiled” aspect of Christmas, that being snow.


    I very seldom would listen to the opinion of a man who wears his shirts tighter than mine

    I don’t wear tight shirts. I have a gut that wouldn’t support it. But what I mean by prep is that I like to wear nice clothes that won’t frighten people off…or something like that. I enjoy impresing people.


    I enjoy impresing people.

    Me too — that’s why I wear my MacGyver T-shirt at parties.

    Mr. Dantz

    I’m a preppy, nerdy, dark, metal, emo goth with 236 football jersies, 23 rock ‘n roll wigs and 543 colors of nail polish. So there. I’ve got you all beat in the character department.

    Ryan Keaveney

    I think I’m the biggest sell-out here. I buy my clothes from American Eagle, and now that Abercrombie has opened in Toronto (finally!!), I no longer have to beat it across the border into the B-lo to get my overpriced, self-esteem-robbing A&F attire.

    I wish I had a funky style, but I prefer to leave the oddities to the music and movies.


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