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    Here’s a thread for everyone to post their reactions after seeing “Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.” I saw it opening day, not sure who else did, but here’s what I think.

    This movie was great. It was thoroughly entertaining, making those 2 hours fly right by like few movies can. Danny’s music was amazing (the “Golden Ticket/Factory” cue, played when the winners gather at the factory, is my favorite). The Oompa Loompa songs were fun in the movie, but the lip-syncing with Deep Roy was pretty fakey and therefore took away from the experience a bit. The effects were decent but not great, as they have tended to be within Tim Burton’s movies–maybe it’s rightly the time to return to claymation. Johnny Depp was probably in his weirdest role in the movie. He invented a character that just seemed so unlike him as we’ve seen him so far, but then again I’ve thought the same thing in every one of his roles. I loved the movie and I hope to see it again, but if not I still have my soundtrack to cling to.


    I thought the “Veruca Salt” song sounded like Electric Light Orchestra.


    Augustus Gloop’s song was the best. It was so big and brassy and over the top, OMG I loved it so much!


    I loved the movie! I think it was Elfman’s and Burton’s most emotional work to date! Even more so than Big Fish! I loved the kids and the way they reacted to each other! I read in a review that at a screening for it people gasped when Charlie found the ticket! I didnt believe it at first but when i saw it, half the audience actually, truly let out an audible gasp! That was a nice moment! I actually teared up when Charlie started dividing his birthday chocolate among the members of his family! And as to be expected, there was music in the movie that was left of the CD! When Charlie found the ticket there was music that was so nice and also not on the soundtrack! I hate that! Anyone know why they do that? Anywho my favorite Burton movie since Sleepy Hollow! My favorite Elfman score since Nightmare! The way every character was introduced, and i mean EVERY character, are among some of my favortie movie moments ever! That fat, blue Violet was beautifully creepy! I love this flick! Cant wait to see it again!


    Its funny but i didnt get Jackson at all! And the only time i i thought about Manson was during the flashbacks when he was wearing the braces!


    The braces were an obvious Tim Burton trademark. He loves to have fantastic-looking devices and contraptions in his movies. Big Fish: the growing machine. Pee Wee: the breakfast machine (which, along with Danny’s music, made an appearance on last week’s “Family Guy”). Edward Scissorhands: well, pretty much the whole movie. When I first saw Willy Wonka brandishing a massive orthodontic contraption, I felt all excited. Also in my theater people gasped when Charlie found the ticket. The whole movie made me happy inside, and it was pretty funny too. Best line was either “I like grapes!” or “Sorry, I was having a flashback.” For those who have yet to see it, look for these, they’re hysterical.


    i personally loved the nods to “edward scissorhands” and “ed wood” — fabulous little extras for us depp/burton fans.

    the kubrick homage also made me happy… (-;

    now, if only my score cd would get here from amazon already! i want to listen more closely to the kids’ songs!


    And let’s not forget about the opening credits. As we all know, Tim does the best opening credit sequences, and I put this one right up there with ‘Mars Attacks!’ Seeing these amazing visuals with Danny’s score…I couldn’t help but giggle to myself through the whole thing. The more I think about it, the more I ‘heart’ this movie. I can’t WAIT to see it again, and in IMAX.



    Lucius bud! I did smile through the whole movie! Anyone else feel the ‘finale’ piece of Elfmans score is the most emotional piece hes ever done? Everytime i hear the end i wanna cry!


    Actually I thought it was one of the weaker of his finales. I kind of wanted a more powerful piece, like “Sleepy Hollow” or “Edward Scissorhands.” It’s amazing when Danny goes all-out. Best examples within “Charlie” were :50 to 1:07 in “The Golden Ticket/Factory” and the incredibly brief 2:52 to 2:55 in “Wheels in Motion” (in the movie it was an aerial shot of New York City). Everytime he pulls one of those, I’m loving it. Probably why the Spider-Man scores have always been my favorites of his.


    Saw it opening night in Rochester, MN… I had my doubts that Depp wouldn’t be able to pull this off and he’s my all-time favorite actor way back from Jump Street days… he proved me wrong…

    Elfman on the other hand… I didn’t expect anything less than amazing. He out-did himself… the revamp of the Oompa Loompa “lesson” songs were fantabulous!! Nice spin, but it made me really miss Boingo… big time… I think this’ll be one soundtrack that I’ll buy.



    Most emotional finale would be in Edward Scissorhands.


    I just realized after watching for a second time that some of the soundtrack materal isn’t even in the movie. I tried to listen for “River Cruise Part 2” but couldn’t find it. I would have better liked to hear some other cues from the movie rather than the similar-sounding “The Boat Arrives,” “River Cruise,” and “River Cruise Part 2.” The squirrel room music on the CD would have made me happy, as well as the music that was skipped in “The Golden Ticket/Factory” for when Charlie finds the money and the Golden Ticket. I guess less score is what we get for a CD with 5 songs on it, but I still wouldn’t abandon the awesome songs.

    Mr. Dantz

    The Kubrick homage was awesome.

    Danny Burton

    “I tried to listen for “River Cruise Part 2” but couldn’t find it. “

    UGHH, That was my favorite cue from the album! Don’t tell me it isn’t actually in the film!!

    Is this a case like POTA, where the music in the album was better than the music in the film?


    I admit it: I was one of the audience members that gasped when Charlie found the ticket!

    Before seeing the movie, I had just re-read the book… and, as anyone else who has read the book may remember, Charlie does NOT find the ticket at that point; he buys one more Wonka bar with his change, and THAT’S when he finds it!

    So, while watching the movie, I was thinking: “Okay, the NEXT bar is when he’ll find the golden ticket” … then when he opened the bar and there it was, I WAS genuinely surprised!! :)


    So am I the only one that really, really, really despised Johnny Depp’s choice of character? Or the fact that John August ruined Wonka’s enigmatic personality by attempting to explain it through weak flashbacks that brought the story to a screeching halt?

    Other than that, I liked it — which means it was hard to like it because once they get to the factory, Willy Wonka is so ever-present.

    While I thought the songs were cute, I did find the lyrics extremely hard to comprehend through all the electronic modifications the vocal track went through.

    I won’t post all my comments here. Find my full film review at:


    i thought it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Johnny Depp was a good Willy Wonka (even though i’m not a fan of him). it was far from any Tim Burton flim,but the house had his mark all over it. the score was very very very VERY GOOD!!!!!! i LOVED the Willy Wonka Welcome song!!!!!! i want the cd very badly and will keep listen ing to it over and over and over.


    I agree! Burton has a wonderful style when it comes to opening a movie and getting the audience into a mood. I just didn’t like that it was cg. It lacked that tangable quailty that his other movies have. Edward, Beelejuice, Batman and Batman Returns, Ed Wood etc. I prefer when these sequences are filmed using miniatures.

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