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Forums Forums General Discussion Elfman off ‘Hornet’

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  • #38836
    Ryan Keaveney

    Danny Elfman is apparently not scoring THE GREEN HORNET. Word is that James Newton Howard is stepping in due to scheduling conflicts (Elfman has Van Sant’s RESTLESS and Paul Haggis’ THE NEXT THREE DAYS to score).


    Weird…because Van Sant and Haggis’ projects were announced after Elfman had been involved in the Gondry project, am I wrong ?
    It’s sad he won’t be working with Gondry but the trailer looks so generic that I’m actually glad he’s off. Michel, were are you ?


    I’d like to say I’m sad but I couldn’t be happier… I think the movie doesn’t look that great at all…

    John Mullin

    Are you sure about this? I know that JNH is supposed to do THE GREEN _LANTERN_ for Martin Campbell.


    In a recent interview, Seth Rogen said that Danny was already writing music. Weird.

    John Mullin

    This sounds like Hollywood speak for “they didn’t like some of the early demos he gave them.”

    I suppose there could be some kind of internal freak out at the studio, though. The trailer was not well-received at all. When I heard that Gondry was doing it, I was excepting something more imaginative and crazy than what the trailer suggested it will be. That is to say, a kinda dumb-looking action-comedy.

    That said, any new Elfman score is good news in my book, and I’m still holding out hope that reports of his departure have been greatly exaggerated.


    I suppose there could be some kind of internal freak out at the studio, though. The trailer was not well-received at all.

    True, but the footage at Comic-Con was. The trailer was quickly put together for the release of Sony’s Grown-Ups and didn’t use any of Gondry’s “artsy” material which the Comic-Con footage did.


    I’m very relieved to be honest. Looks like a trainwreck.


    Oh arse,
    No interest in the film, but it was the only interesting-sounding score on the horizon for Danny. I was looking forward to some bombast. I have no idea what to expect with Restless and The Next Three Days.
    An Elfman score may have been The Green Hornet’s only hope of redemption.
    What deliciously disinteresting noise will JNH offer us?


    Why the JNH shot? He writes wonderful music.


    Meh, suppose. I’m not very familliar with his score releases, but of the films he’s scored that i’ve seen, the music has never caught my attention.


    Meh, suppose. I’m not very familliar with his score releases, but of the films he’s scored that i’ve seen, the music has never caught my attention.


    That’s pretty awesome! I’ve only seen SIGNS once and I liked it… I have THE VILLAGE and LADY IN THE WATER but not this… it sounds awesome… but you’re not trying to convince me so I’ll go away….


    Yeah, I suppose. Not really a fan of M. Night Shyamalan. I tend to only listen to scores if I liked the film/director. That cue from Signs is quite good. I like the brass. That is quite similar to Elfman in style though isn’t it?
    Most recent thing he did I saw was Nanny McPhee 2 (I know that’s a weird example). Patrick Doyle did a lovely job in the first one. I was a bit dissapointed by Newtown-Howard’s score. I didn’t expect him to use Doyle’s themes, but I didn’t like his score at all. T’was all style and no substance.


    Of JNH scores I would recommend – Dinosaur and Atlantis, the Lost Legend. I know they are two animated films but they are really well scored animated films, especially Dinosaur! I remember an issue of Keyboard Magazine with an interview of him about MIDI orchestration with a link to the opening sequence as a midi file (it was highly detailed and very interesting to study).

    John Mullin

    I love JNH. I’m sad it’s not Danny, but JNH is usually very interesting, and I think he’s got tremendous range. I love love love THE LAST AIRBENDER. NANNY MCPHEE 2, however, is like whimsical torture.


    James Newton Howard brought heart to Batman Begins


    Okay! First, this is the Danny Elfman forum! If I wanted to be enlightened on the highly possibly not deliciously disinteresting noise of James Newton-Howard, I wouldn’t be here.
    Secondly. I HATE HANS ZIMMER! And the odious, bland and generic music he wrote for Nolan’s Batman films make me want to simultaneously vomit and die. As such, I have no desire to be shown anything likeable in Newton Howard’s music for Batman. His association with Zimmer is a discredit to him.
    Thirdly, am I right in thinking that we are not allowed to link to youtube videos in our posts? Instructions to that effect are emblazoned at the top of the forum in bright red letters.
    Lastly, oh please, please don’t start trying to argue a case for Hans Zimmer! :(


    please don’t start trying to argue a case for Hans Zimmer

    My hatred for Hans Zimmer is well-known.


    Thanks for your concurring.
    Why does Zimmer get all the praise he does? WHY?


    I guess because he’s a friend of Danny’s? Could that be the reason… most people here are so over-dramatic, really DIE you would throw-up and die… this is why I don’t usually contribute here, so Elfman is off of “Green Hornet”, does that mean we should only be writing about how Sh*tty that is? Or can we try to be a little bit more… oh hell, why am I trying, I’m going to go do something that makes me feel good….


    bookbinder3 Wrote:

    > Why does Zimmer get all the praise he does? WHY?

    Because he’s German. And you never know…
    Ok ok, bad one ! :-)

    As far as I’m concerned, the only thing that I found more dull than Zimmer’s work on the Batman’s movie was JNH’s work. I can’t imagine music more generic than that.
    Nevertheless,I highly respect JNH’s music most of the time, although I fail to connect to it, emotionally speaking. But that’s personal I guess.
    His score for KK was one of the best “replacement score” in recent years…

    Ryan Keaveney

    bookbinder3 Wrote:

    > Thirdly, am I right in thinking that we are not
    > allowed to link to youtube videos in our posts?
    > Instructions to that effect are emblazoned at the
    > top of the forum in bright red letters.

    Thank you for noticing. I’m going to start enforcing that policy again. Any new posts with YouTube links to music tracks will be deleted.


    Well in that case, you can delete my “It’s coming…” post if you need to. I was just excited about the ad even though I’m not going to buy the box set. I didn’t mean to cause any commotion when I posted it. Sorry.

    Ryan Keaveney

    That was an actual video – not a music track uploaded to YouTube with a static image (lame). So you’re good to go.

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