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Forums Forums General Discussion Elfman off ‘Hornet’

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  • #65754

    I’ll have to stop posting late at night/early in the morning. I just rant. I’m sorry.
    As Danny Biker said, I don’t connect emotionally at all with JNH’s work. Or Zimmer’s. It might not encourage me to physically expire, but my hatred for it knows no bounds (Zimmer btw, not JNH, I’m pretty neutral towards him, hostile towards Zimmer). But hyperbole is a better way of communicating emotions.
    I think my posts are being a little too confrontational. Let us talk of lovely things that don’t inspire my rage!


    Ryan, I never ignored your policy. When I post a video I make sure it’s approved by the record company. If you notice, some videos get approved and are used for revenue. All my Danny Elfman videos get that treatment. The only exception was Scrooged which got deleted. I know you had a bad experience like two years ago, but things have changed.


    Ah, civility returns to the boards once again… Now let’s talk about the fact that Richard Kraft (if it WAS him) actually asked what people wanted in the big box set… what’s up with that… Ryan, do you have any idea if that was him or if it was just another FSM board impostor?

    Feel free to talk amongst yourselves….

    I too shouldn’t post late at night or early in the morning Bookbinder3, but that’s when I got the time usually.


    He didn’t ask me!
    I had a quick look on the board, couldn’t find it. Do you have a link?
    What did people say?
    I just want a comprehensive, if not complete release of his scores for Tim’s films. Especially Pee-Wee, and I thought the Alice album was a bit lacking in places. I pray this release is better. That video trailer at least confrims that all their films will be on there. What is that 14th disk though?
    I just hope it’s not a best moments selection by Tim and Danny. I love them, obviously, but they won’t pick the tracks I wan’t them to pick!


    Wow, bookbinder, why don’t you tell us what you REALLY feel? ;)

    Personally, I’m a huge fan of Zimmer, but not quite sure why he was brought up here.

    I love JNH too and am sure he will do a great job on this. In fact, I’d rather see him do it than Elfman. I want Elfman to do more calm, ambient stuff – and it seems to me that this particular project didn’t necessarily call for that.


    If it would have created a jazzy score from Elfman I would have missed that, but something tells me they won’t go that way with the score.


    If it would have created a jazzy score from Elfman I would have missed that, but something tells me they won’t go that way with the score.

    In Seth Rogen’s interview from a while back he said that Elfman and Gondry were trying to come up with an offbeat score. So, it is possible that the score would have been Jazzy – especially considering that the iconic Green Hornet theme from the `60s show is a jazzy score.


    That would have been cool then, but since this is going to be a big 3D tent-post type of film, the movie studio would have a say at what type of music it needs as well, that said I hope that’s NOT the case, but I’m less inclined to care now that Elfman has left.

    Ryan Keaveney
    Ryan Keaveney

    The policy is still in effect. The last few vids for sure – SIGNS, etc. are not official videos and are copyright infringement. I don’t like YouTube and I don’t want the videos here on the board. Original videos, trailers, etc are welcome. Otherwise, no can do!


    I am Andersion
    Danny Elfman was originally set to work the score for The Green Hornet, but now he’s out, and James Newton Howard is in talks to take over as composer.

    In free time i work on my website which provides a lot of hot new songs Video/Audio demos and downloads.

    While I think Elfman is probably the more suitable/obvious choice for the attempted offbeat style of The Green Hornet,

    msg edited to remove URL, but kept because it’s hilarious. – Ryan


    Holy moley, those spam-bots are getting good! ;-)


    OH NO! That’s so bad! Thank heavens andersion told me first!!! He’s so fast!


    He chewed his leg out of that bear trap anyway.

    Ryan Keaveney

    Yeah – watching GREEN HORNET on Friday, I was relieved Danny did not end up scoring the film.

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