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Forums Forums General Discussion Elfman talks BOINGO at the Robinsons premiere

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  • #38022

    The “official” oingo boingo website interviewed Danny Elfman on the red carpet.
    We all knew he would never go back to Boingo, but hearing him saying it is quite hard :-(

    BUT, he says that he could never go on stage with this sound level… Does that mean that he would go on stage if it was accoustic, or something less loud? hehe…


    Mr. Dantz

    It’s too bad people who can ask him questions are always asking extremely redundant ones. The Boingo question has been done to DEATH. Why not ask if there’s a possibility that he’ll do a solo album, or something along those lines, WITHOUT touring?

    Although, I think that’s out of the question as well, but not as impossible as a Boingo reunion.

    BTW, I think the hearing damage thing might not actually be true. It’s just an easy answer for dumb people who ask him about it over and over again.


    Actually, I’m not sure the hearing damage isn’t true. He’s been talking about this for a long time, even when Boingo was still alive…

    I totally agree with you about the silly questions being asked a million times… I remember Danny talking about the will of recording new songs a while ago. He mentioned the possibility of doing a solo album several times. Does anyone remember this?


    Edward Bloom

    Let’s imagine pertinent questions we’d like to ask him.

    “So Danny….getting bald hum ?”


    lmao. Er… let’s remind him of the solo album, rather, shall we?

    I remember him mentioning, around the time of Charlie songs, that he still does enjoy the odd vocal performance he can record.
    It would be incredibly cool if he decided to make a solo album… of any kind, really. That doesn’t mean he has to tour, or go anywhere near a stage. I’m guessing it’s all a matter of squeezing things in into the humongous Elfman Schedule. If anything, Danny doesn’t seem to be a person short of ideas, and the way he spoke of Serenada – that there are dozens of things he thinks of as ‘it would be great to do THIS at some point“, so all we’re waiting for is an oportunity and a time window. Oh, man… go ahead… or something. ;-)

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