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  • #37518

    Am I the only one that went?!?! It was a LONG wait. Got there at 4:45, left at 10 pm. But the line stretched outside to the end of the block, and that was when I was leaving! I forgot how anti-climactic these things can be, but it was still cool,

    Tim Burton was nice, he seemed a bit more happy to be there compared to Elfman. I shook both their hands, and in adddtion to my CORSPE BRIDE DVD they signed my BEETLEJUICE LP.

    Anyone else go?


    I was there at noon because i expected incredibly long lines. i wound up being third in line, so i got to see them come into the store. i posted some pictures on my yahoo photos site (if you go to the Elfman/Burton signing folder) including the dvd and poster i got signed. woot!


    Miss Tay

    Hey were you wearing a pinkish/coral shirt with black pants?

    I think I was the person right ahead of you if you were. I was the girl wearing the Freddy Kruger shirt. :)

    I got them to write “Happy Birthday” on my dvd. Tim wrote it so big that he took up the entire cover and Danny looked a bit confused as to write to sign his name. Either way, it was a nice day.

    Though, Danny’s presence there seemed a bit forced.

    I took a few pictures and they are up at my blog:


    Lucky for you guys! When will the East coast ever get its share of cool events? And don’t say “Serenada Schizophrana,” because it was on the West coast too. I wanna meet Danny, even if he’s in a bad mood! Why do you guys think he was not happy to be there?


    I tried but didn’t get in.
    I’m in San Diego and teach art to a class of 1st and 2nd graders every Tuesday.
    Didn’t want to bail on them. It was their first class.
    Didn’t get there early enough and wasn’t expecting much, but my son got to see them trough the glass and was thrilled. Plus I bought him that fancy corpse bride book they had.
    If there ever is a next time with another project, I’ll ditch all my adult responsiblities and be there, early!


    Mr. Dantz

    Hahahah! Miss Tay, that one picture is hilarious. That black guy looks like he’s prodding Burton’s hand with his finger like it’s some magical, holy object … and he seems to really like it! Hah! :)


    I was one of the unfortunate/fortunate people who made it too late and didn’t get my stuff signed. A group of 50 us stayed at the outside window until the bitter end hoping to get in chanting and singing old Bongo songs. Tim waved and walked away but Danny came up to the window and waved. In addition after Tim’s car pulled away Danny got out of his car and came over to wave and thank us…..very humble and very cool for us few that stuck around.


    I went too. It was a really long wait and Danny did seem to be less enthusiastic than I had seen him before. I also went to the Farewell signing in 95 and Danny was much more cheerful and animated that time. But it was almost 10:30 by the time I got to them so I understand the fatigue that must set in. By the time I got there they even limited people to one item. Tim was still pretty upbeat thanking everyone for coming and posing for pictures. It looked like they cut off the line as I was getting to the front. I felt bad for the people outside that were getting turned away. A lot of them were there for a long time too. In the end though I am grateful that they would spend their Valentines day signing autographs and shaking hands with us fans. It makes me respect them even more (as if that was necessary)


    I am pretty sure that I saw your group Skinnyguy. It makes me feel a little better that Danny stopped to thank you guys. I was probably 45 minutes in arrival time from being out there with you. It looked like there were some dedicated people that got cut off. There was a guy in a T-shirt from the Vatos halloween party, a girl with a couple of one sheet posters (not the store bought ones), some old LPs, I was a little bummed that they were outside when some of the people in line with me were there because they “go to all the signing events” …sorry when you listen to the guy in front of you in line for four hours talk about stalking Paris HIlton and Lindsay Lohan for autographs, it makes you wish some of the people that you know would appreciate the spot in line more were there.


    I was one of those unforturnate people who got turned away! Now i have 2 copies of Corpse Bride. ARGH! Yeah there was about 60 of us singing outside and chanting Tim’s and Danny’s names. I was with you skinnyguy. Though i must have missed him coming out of his car to wave. I knew i shoulda stayed a bit longer. Its was cool to see em through 2 planes of glass i suppose. Ill never shop at Best Buy again.


    Yes. That was me in the pink shirt – but as i like to defend my manhood – it’s really more of a coral color….


    What do they each drive? Just curious.

    Ryan Keaveney

    Usually a car service provides transportation to events.


    Miss Tay

    Well, either way.. coral shirt aside.. I wanted to tell you that I liked the little drawings you were drawing on the back your notebook. They were quite good.

    How long did you have the vinyl copy “Beetlejuice” ? I never knew that it was pressed on vinyl. Then again, I was only 8 years old when that movie come out.


    Go here for some singing pics and a video interview with Tim Burton:

    Tim and Danny Signing


    Aww…poor, sad, Danny….wonder why he was so unhappy?

    and least Tim Burton was cheerful. :)


    What’s up with the wrist brace Danny’s wearing in some of the photos? Preparation for the signing, post-signing writers cramp, or other?


    Haha! I was in that chanting group, too. Too bad we didn’t get to meet the Elfman, but honestly I had a blast.

    I kept my copy of Corpse Bride. My boyfriend returned his, and was very cranky about it.

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