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  • #38415

    Hey guys. Been around these parts for awhile but rarely speak up (hopefully you remember me Ryan, we traded CD’s looong ago.)

    Anyway, I work in Hollywood these days and am usually in the loop for all the silly gossip. About month or so ago, I got a call because Danny’s team was looking for orchestrators. Apparently Mr. Del Toro wasn’t super happy with the score and wanted everything to be “bigger.” So they were in a rush to get as many people working on the score as possible to hit their deadline.

    I didn’t hear anything else for awhile, until today I was just informed they are in the process of replacing “a lot” of Elfman’s score. All I know is that “they” haven’t been happy with what he’s been doing. Not sure if “they” is Universal or Del Toro.

    So unfortunately, we might have another Spider-man 2 type deal. Or worse. It’s sad, because I was really looking forward to this collaboration, and hearing some good old fashioned Elfman for this movie.


    That’s a huge wad of suck right there, if it’s true. I already pre-ordered my CD from Varese. I hope at least that doesn’t get the shaft.

    Mr. Dantz

    That really sucks. I can’t imagine an Elfman score being so bad that they would have to replace “a lot” of it. That’s ridiculous.

    Ryan Keaveney

    What makes me doubt that Universal hates the score is that Elfman went to the premiere of WANTED with the head of music for Universal, Kathy Nelson.

    I’d like to get some confirmation for this news, which I am in the process of doing, but getting any kind of word at 2:30AM EST on a Saturday is difficult!

    I’m told the commissioner has a file on this…


    Then it’s probably Del Toro. Like I said, I was told he was constantly wanting the music “bigger.” Guess he misses the thick sound of Beltrami…or…gasp, Navarrete.

    I wonder if this in any way is a reflection on the increasingly “smaller” sound Elfman has been using lately. Someone noted his mixes have sounded much flatter lately, and I completely agree. I thought SOP was a completely disaster, mix-wise. The last Elfman score that sounded orchestrally big to me was probably Sleepy Hollow, which by no coincidence was the last Elfman score mixed by Shawn Murphy. I miss him! They must have had a falling out, because for my money, there aren’t many recordings better than Mission: Impossible.

    Mr. Dantz

    I wonder if by “big” he means “busy”. The score clips sound pretty big and full to me!


    wow…this is really last moment. Aren’t we like two weeks away? Damn.


    If it’s true, I say 10 to 1 it’s Del Toro. Like Raimi and Jackson (both previous Elfman collaborators that I highly doubt he will ever work with again) methinks some of these “visionary” directors are going mad with power. I’ve worked on some Raimi projects and the is simply bonkers. There’s artistry and there’s mico-management. I’m left thinking about the words of my mentor; you get the most talented people together and let them do their best work. Not much of that anymore.

    And besides, if people are unhappy with Elfman’s work – won’t Beltrami pick up the slack?


    Del Toro should have just sticked with Beltrami. He got used to him.

    Dawg Man

    Don’t believe a word of this until confirmation comes in.

    I really doubt Del Toro, who apparently had been itching to get Elfman ever since the first Hellboy, would do that. I really doubt Elfman, who has only spoken of how good it was to work on the score, would have been kept in the dark up until the premiere of Wanted.

    The CD’s been pressed. The Spider-man 2 situation sucked, but I don’t think that is happening here.

    Plus I like to hear WHO the news is coming from.

    Wait for confirmation.
    Bull shit.

    John Mullin

    Yeah, I somewhat don’t believe this story entirely either.

    One of my friends here in LA did some uncredited orchestration on a couple HELL BOY 2 cues five weeks ago or so. While they were on a tight schedule (as orchestrators usually are), he described the cues as being “huge” and seemed to get the feeling that work on the picture was going well. The CD will be what Elfman did, and I guess we’ll have to see what made it into the film. Frankly, I’m more interested in the CD anyway.

    Oh, and speaking of Elfman mixes lately… I think the last couple have been great. SOP, the album, sounds phenomenal, as does WANTED. Really crisp, with a great blend or orchestra and electronic. What doesn’t sound good about the music to you?

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