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Forums Forums General Discussion ‘Polar Express’ sounds like ‘Edward Scissorhands’?

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  • #53301

    that’s my point, he should take some legal action


    Wow, thanks Ryan! I was only aware of a soundtrack album.


    It is frightening how similar the ELF and Polar Express cues are to each other, though after hearing them both I personally liked the ELF cue better, for some reason.

    And also, the second clip really does sound like Edward Scissorhands, but I think it does have its own individuality – it doesn’t really sound like Silvestri really meant to copy Elfman’s work, but if he was intending that, he didn’t do a very good job of it (feel free to pummel me with tomatoes now). On another note, to my ears it doesn’t really sound like Edward Scissorhands verbatim, but the overall feel of the piece and the way it moves makes me expectant to hear Edward’s theme after that crescendo, but that’s only me. *smiles*

    Where do you get all of these clips, Ryan? The pure efficiency and sheer weight of knowledge you have about what you do is astounding. I bow at your feet.

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