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Forums Forums General Discussion What is the lead instrument in Sally’s song?

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  • #37400
    Blue Nuke

    I personally find it one of the most beautiful songs that I have ever heard. I would like to know what the name of the wind instrument is that goes a long with Sally’s voice because I would like to learn to play it.

    Thank you for any replies.


    At times it is the Alto Saxophone, but more often it is the accordion.

    Dawg Man

    I swear, 1990-1995 were Elfman’s best years in composition and orchestration. He had his style refined down to an exact science by the time Edward Scissorhands rolled around. It’s easy to tell that those were the years he was most influenced by Prokofiev and Herrmann, playing it dark and believing in the “BIG-ASS HOLLYWOOD ORCHESTRA”. Also, I’m sure it was during this period that he attracted most of his fan-base.

    All those clever scores…


    I believe it was a sax!


    Say, how come no one ever uses the bass sax anymore. Sure it’s a BIT bulky, but I love the way it sounds.


    It does have a great Sinister sound to it! Some Ska bands still use it i think! Fish bone did! But as far as scoring goes your right! Havent heard it in a while if ever!

    Mr. Dantz

    whoopsie daisy. double post.

    Mr. Dantz

    I find it odd that saxophones in whole aren’t used in orchestral settings more often.


    I actually hate saxophones yet the only time i’ve ever not disliked them is in NBC.

    Dawg Man

    You probably only like the Sax in TNBC because Danny treated it like any other member of the orchestra and (with the exception of Oogie) not like some cheesy bluesy soloist’s instrument. I’m not a big fan of those bluesy “Noir” type solos myself. But The instrument can be really great on it’s own and, at it’s best, is classicaly Russian. Case in point: listen to Shostakovich’s Jazz Suites or Prokofiev’s Kije Suite for some great Sax.


    Saxophone is considered sort of the bastard-child instrument. It wasn’t invented till the mid-19th century, when the orchestra as we know it had been established. An orchestra, by definition, has no saxophones unless a composer decides specifically to add them. Likewise, a band, by definition, HAS the saxes but doesn’t have strings.

    Mr. Dantz

    Wouldn’t things be more interesting if there wasn’t a definition?


    More butt sax please. Haven’t heard that in ages…

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