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  • #37281

    Does anyone know why Danny Elfman is not doing the score for Spiderman 3? I saw on IMDB that Christopher Young is scoring the next film.


    because they done him wrong, man. they done him wrong…..


    Long story short: Elfman wasn’t treated well. Sony doesn’t deserve him, and they’re not gonna get him. Barring a miracle of astronomical proportions, then that’s the way it’s gonna be.

    Too bad, I was waiting for THIS score since the end of the FIRST film!

    Mr. Dantz

    Better for him to move on to better things, anyway.


    I don’t think “Charlotte’s Web” better things. Sure, he’ll have a very good score written for it, but I don’t look forward to seeing the movie based on the cast, director, and the fact that it’s another CG talking animal movie. Does anyone remember “Racing Stripes”?!


    True, true, ‘Racing Stripes’, aka. “Horse Sh!t” was pure tripe wrapped in an A list (and a D list) cast. I knew that movie was gonna fail when I saw the first trailer. But, the source material was based on the scibblings of a 3 year-old retard. Whereas ‘Charlotte’s Web’ is based on a celebrated, award winning novel that every third grader HAD to read. Course, it was about 400 years since I last read it, but I think I remember that it was good. If anything you should compare it to the really GOOD movie “Babe” like everyone else is doing. All I know is, that I’m really looking forward to hearing Elfman going back to ‘Black Beauty’ territory. That is still his second most gorgeous score next to ‘Scissorhands’ in my opinion.



    This may sound dumb, but was the source material really from a 3 year-old retard? I ask this in all seriousness because Robert Rodriguez’s expensive, bad CG-filled “The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D” was based on a dream his 7 year-old son named Racer had one night after watching — what else — Spider-Man. It’s a damn shame, some people like myself work hard on good screenplays that don’t get looked at. Anyway, concerning “Charlotte’s Web,” it may be based on a classic but it may not get that type of treatment. Look at Disney’s “Around the World in 80 Days” (although I thought that was a very good, stylish movie), the point being that serious classics aren’t taken as seriously by filmmakers nowadays.

    Side note: Knowing Danny, I think the cue that will play when Charlotte’s first web message appears will be fantastic. Also, let’s hope they don’t get cocky and make the web messages something like internet postings.


    Just LISTEN to Spiderman 2 while your watching it and youll know why hes not doing part 3!

    Danny Burton

    I think someone [maybe Ryan] should make a summary of what happened with Spider-Man 2 and why Danny will not be working on it and post it somewhere in the site, as I’m sure threads like these will only become more common as the months go by.

    Untamed Aggression

    “Robert Rodriguez’s expensive, bad CG-filled “The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D” was based on a dream his 7 year-old son named Racer had one night after watching — what else — Spider-Man. It’s a damn shame, some people like myself work hard on good screenplays that don’t get looked at.”

    C’mon, give the guy some credit. I’ve not seen it yet, so I can’t comment on quality, but

    A) The film isn’t that expensive. That’s why he can do experimental stuff like this and Sin City.

    B) I think he earned his keep by selling his body to science to finance El Mariachi.

    I’ve been writing for 8 years, but I’m not gonna rip into him for being able to make films he wants to make.

    On-topic, I agree with the notion that the Spidey 3 situation should be in a summary or FAQ or something…


    I remember listening to SP2 and thinking that there really wasn’t anything “SPECTACULAR” about it… It was more or less a re-hash of the 1st movie (which was a classic in and of itself.)
    Elfman likes to move in different directions, and though some can say and will agree that most of his work reflects his previous ones… I think in the case of SP2 he wasn’t given the freedom to explore new ideas. Even if he did do SP3 would it have made a difference? or would it have been an extension of the previous films. I found this excerpt from a review:

    **The real fun is when each theme goes head to head in ‘The Bank/Saving May’ and ‘Train/Appreciation’, the other cue not featured in the film. This, along with the aforementioned ‘Aunt May Packs’, were completed by Elfman before last minute tinkering by Raimi and his editor Bob Murawski (as is the norm for major ‘tent pole’ pictures) necessitated the re-scoring of some sequences and the completion of complete musical cues without Elfman. Fellow Oingo Boingo band member and long time Elfman orchestrator Steve Bartek replicated a fine Elfman-esque sound to his work on the picture but other composers John Debney (Spidey’s exciting pizza delivery) and Christopher Young’s (Octavius’ octo-arm demonstration) work is markedly different to the overall tone Elfman had established in both films leading to a cut-and-paste, although not entirely unsatisfying, end result.**

    I believe it is this “cut and paste” effort that turned Danny off. He was asked to produce a score. He did, only to have it butchered in the end. Why help paint someones house if they’re just going to go behind you and do it themselves. I wonder if it was Rami’s desicion or the studios???

    I for one am happy he’s doing Charlotte’s Web. Though the movie might not be a winner (who knows?) We can be sure that the Score will be a classic.

    SORRY FOR THE LONG POST!!!! I hope this helped even a little.

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