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  • #38559

    Holy crap, that’s exciting news!

    Could we expect Danny in the excellent percussive mode of PLANET OF THE APES? I’d love that.


    Holy shit, this is excellent news!

    Ryan Keaveney

    Very cool. Didn’t see that one coming! Guess it’ll fill the vacant slot that THE WOLF MAN has left since it was pushed back.


    Ох, Дэнни пишет музыку для Терминатора? Это великая новость, не иначе))))

    Ryan Keaveney

    Hey, Russkie! English!


    Good God, this is so awesome, I can’t stand it. 2009’s looking like a great year so far for Elfman scores, with Terminator: Salvation, The Wolf Man, and 9! Cannot freaking wait.


    First McG and NOW Elfman. Noooooooooo! All his scores sound the same. What a terrible choice. The robots will sound like they are in a circus. He and Burton should f**k each other in Hot Topic and leave Terminator alone.

    Oh wait, I thought this was the stupid Elfman bashing Ain’t It Cool News message board. Sorry about that.

    Seriously, I’m truly excited. Elfman went from 2 (well 1 and a half) to 4 scores this year in the blink of an eye. Very excited.


    Nick Parker

    I am very interested in this. I have never listened to his “Planet of the Apes”, so I would have no idea if I would want a score like it. The cynical side of me says that the score might turn out like “The Kingdom”, which I absolutely hate, but I will give Danny Elfman the benefit of the doubt. I am really liking Danny’s recent prolivity, I must say.

    Nick Parker

    interesting. The article claims that he scored all three “Spider-Man” films. If only….


    Awesome! I literally gasped when I read that news. My roommate thinks I’m crazy now. But no matter, Elfman’s scoring T4!!! Cool! I agree that a “Planet of the Apes” or even a “Wanted” sound would be optimal as opposed to the “Kingdom” sound.


    This will be cool. I hope he uses Brad Feidel’s theme, but more in line with how he used the Mission Impossible theme for that film. Or even how Marco Beltrami just used it for the end credits of T3. Just to tie it in more cohesively to the originals. I hate it when the music completely changes within a franchise, like X-Men for example. Elfman can otherwise do whatever he (or the director) wants.


    It’s possible that we may get a “Wanted” or “Planet of the Apes” type score…but I don’t know. Elfman said in the interview that he wants to something fun. So…we may actually get some old school Elfman in this movie.

    By the way, isn’t it funny that Elfman has worked with both McG and Brett Ratner? lol. The man does not discriminate.


    OH GOD I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!! I grew up watching T2 since I was like 5… I was a little scared about the movie before but now I am totally excited!


    >>By the way, isn’t it funny that Elfman has worked with both McG and Brett Ratner?<< You’re forgetting Jon Turteltaub (INSTINCT), who was sort of the proto-Ratner for a while there.

    Nick Parker

    What I find funny is that Danny Elfman seems to keep inheriting franchises from Marco Beltrami, something that someone pointed out to me today.


    Well, the directors of TERMINATOR 3 and HELLBOY were both after Elfman to score those films initially, and Beltrami got the run-off work when he passed.

    Sort of like how John Ottman has gotten a lot of gigs that Elfman has turned down over the years too.


    Turletaub, Ratner, McG, Burton, Barker, Raimi, Apted, Van Sant, Del Toro, Estevez, De Palma, Beatty, Jared Hess, Ang Lee and on and on… I cannot think of any other composer with such a varied list of filmmakers he’s worked with.

    Nick Parker

    He probably has worked with more directors than John Williams and Jerry Goldsmith did (not together), and that is saying something. Good observation, Monsterhead.


    I’m not sure what to think of this. It’s great that we will get another big year from our favourite composer but at the same time, I’ve never been a huge Terminator fan and I’m not sure Danny will fit with the material. Nevertheless, as you pointed out in the posts above, the guy is a master of versatility and this new Terminator film looks rather different that the previous films of the franchise anyway.

    Time will tell…

    Ryan Keaveney

    Then what’s your point? :)


    It’s not a point. It’s an additional comment to how gosh-darn neato I think Elfman is. I’m sure you agree…

    (insert smart ass emoticon here)


    Well I doubt that. But hey, don’t let me stop you from compiling your info from indb.

    Nick Parker

    What on earth are you talking about?


    By the way, isn’t it funny that Elfman has worked with both McG and Brett Ratner?

    When did Danny work with McG?


    When did Danny work with McG? On a film called TERMINATOR: SALVATION. We’ve been talking about it. Welcome to the party. This is an utterly disorganized thread. Must be the full moon…

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