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  • #66142

    From what I’m hearing, this seems a little different. I really like the groove in the “TOUCH” and “THE TRUTH” samples.

    Exciting. I hope it is different from what Elfman has done semi-recently. Not that it would be bad if it wasn’t, just that I would like something new.


    Don’t hear any woodwind or brass, so I guess this was an all Strings & Percussion Orchestra with the solo piano (augmented by electronic sounds)…. or were their any woodwind or brass.

    I like the lack of winds – it’s a change from, especially, his Burton scores.


    Argh, no other way to listen to the samples than iTunes ? I won’t install that crap on my computer…

    Ryan Keaveney

    Actually, that’s wrong. Here are the score credits:

    Score Produced by Danny Elfman
    Orchestrations by Steve Bartek, Edgardo Simone, David Slonaker
    MIDI Supervision & Preparation by Marc Mann
    Orchestra Leader: Thomas Bowes
    Conductor: Rick Wentworth
    Score Recorded by Peter Cobbin
    Score Mixed by Dennis Sands
    Recording Assistant Engineer : Chris Barrett
    Mixing Assistant Engineer: Adam Olmsted
    Music Editor: Bill Abbott
    Additional Engineering: Greg Maloney
    Additional Assistant Engineer & Music Preparation: Melisa McGregor
    Additional Arrangements & Programming: TJ Lindgren
    Pre-record Engineer: Noah Snyder
    Orchestra Contractor: Isobel Griffiths
    Assistant Orchestra Contractor: Jo Buckley
    Score Recorded at Air Studios, London, England
    Score Mixed at .1 Studio
    Score Vocals by Ayana Haviv
    Cello Solos: Josephine Knight


    I don’t understand… the album cover says “Music Composed and Conducted by Danny Elfman,” but the credits list Rick Wentworth as the conductor. Danny doesn’t usually conduct… what’s going on?


    I’d say it was a mistake.

    Ryan Keaveney

    What is there to understand – the cover is obviously wrong! :)


    Doesn’t Elfman and his agent look at the cover before it goes to press? It seems like an odd mistake and even stranger that no one realized it.

    Ryan Keaveney

    These things happen.

    John Mullin

    Wow, the CD will be over 71 minutes! Tracks 24 and 25 are songs, meaning that there’s about 64 minutes of score on this sucker.

    1. Prologue 1:38
    2. A Way In 3:36
    3. What She’s Lost 0:58
    4. Pittsburgh’s Tough 2:02
    5. Blood Stain 1:32
    6. Same Old Trick 1:45
    7. Don Quixote 1:30
    8. All Is Lost 3:10
    9. A Promise 2:58
    10. That’s Ok 1:53
    11. It’s On 4:32
    12. The Evidence 1:24
    13. Last Three Months 3:29
    14. The Bump Key 2:30
    15. A Warning 2:22
    16. Breakout 8:20
    17. Touch 0:57
    18. Reunion 3:08
    19. The Switch 2:42
    20. They’re Off 4:56
    21. Got ‘Em 2:19
    22. The Truth 5:25
    23. The Aftermath 1:06
    24. Mistake 3:46
    25. Be The One 3:29


    “It’s On”? It certainly is! Thank you for the post. Can’t wait for this album.


    The score is very Kingdom-esque. In other words, kind of boring.


    I’m really loving these samples now. If the album lives up it”ll have been some year for Danny.


    I think it’s absolutely STUNNING, exactly the kind of Elfman I prefer these days (cool ambient textures, calm atmosphere, some Glassian ostinatos). I’ll rather have one of these than 10 superhero scores or other noisy affairs.

    I don’t think it sounds anything like THE KINGDOM (which, incidentally, I also find to be one of the most underrated Elfman scores ever!), though.


    I’ll rather have one of these than 10 superhero scores or other noisy affairs.

    Everytime we have this debate you assume I’m only prefer his action-oriented scores. I’ve said that I also like his slower-paced scores like “Black Beauty” and “Sommersby.” But, sorry, these “Good Will Hunting” and “Simple Plan” type scores are just boring Oscar-bait nonsense.


    New cover


    Somebody definitely made a boo-boo. :-)


    Descent Into Mystery Wrote:

    > I’ll rather have one of these than 10 superhero
    > scores or other noisy affairs.
    > Everytime we have this debate you assume I’m only
    > prefer his action-oriented scores. I’ve said that
    > I also like his slower-paced scores like “Black
    > Beauty” and “Sommersby.” But, sorry, these “Good
    > Will Hunting” and “Simple Plan” type scores are
    > just boring Oscar-bait nonsense.

    Ah yeah, that’s true, we debated this before. I guess that’s because we have very different taste when it comes to film music and even Danny Elfman.


    Is this because of the printing error?


    So, anyone gotten the score from iTunes yet? Why is everyone so quiet? Or is everyone still choked up from how beautiful and mature “The Truth” cue is?



    Apparently, Amazon’s CD is a CD-R. So, this could be my very first “digital” purchase. I hate Apple and its policy but I’m looking for the best quality (320 kbps minimum or lossless), so which online store to go with ?


    Grabbed the MP3 album from Amazon, myself. $5.99’s a pretty great deal.

    Wanna reserve full judgment ’til I can see the film. So far I generally like what I’m hearing, but from an “album” perspective it’s good, not great (but very good). Much more mellow in tone than I was expecting. I always enjoy his action writing, so I’m digging “The Breakout.” I didn’t realize until my second or third listen through that cue that there are no winds or brass to be found until the last couple minutes (even then, not much). As if he needed to prove it, if nothing else, this score displays Elfman’s superb string writing. And as Lucius mentioned, “The Truth” is gorgeous; very Milk-like.

    Interested to see how this pairs up with the movie!


    Which bitrate for the Amazon mp3 ?

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