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  • in reply to: Spider-Man 4: What Happens Next to Elfman’s Themes? #63717

    I hope they just let Deborah Lurie score it. She seems to “get it” as far as variations on the existing themes and will stay true to Elfman’s past work.

    Who knows, seeing how SM3 was just not a very good movie after the success of the first two and desperate for a huge success, the studio may throw mad money Danny’s way to come back to try to recapture the old magic. We can dream can’t we?

    in reply to: Danny Elfman gets political #62776

    I’m sorry but this sucks. I really wish this was not posted here. Stick to the music, people… I don’t want to hear about politics when I come here.

    in reply to: Alternate Costume Montage #62738

    Spider-Fan Wrote:

    > Thanks Ryan! You’re the best in the biz! That’s a
    > really great track. Too bad we won’t be hearing
    > any more of that Spidey thematic goodness from
    > Elfman…

    Funny you mention this because I was thinking the other day I wonder if Sony would convince Danny to come back for another movie since they threw out a lot of Young’s SM3 score and went back to the Elfman themes.

    I see that Raimi is still involved with the possible sequels (big mistake) even if he does not direct them so that appears to lower the chances to zero percent right there. I hope if they stick with the same cast that they will give Young the boot and turn the reins over to Debney/Lurie for the whole thing.

    SM3 was a frustrating experience. It had some high points. Sandman and Venom both made fine villians but did not belong in the same movie. The cheese factor – dancing, overdramatic news reports, the all-knowing ever-loyal butler, and the dark Pete/bad haircut was so over the top where SM2 was mostly free of all these things and expectations were high going in.

    A complete reboot of the series with a new Spider-Man who is able to better deliver the one-liners and attitude of the comics is not a bad idea. Doubtful any of Danny’s material would survive such a reboot though.

    in reply to: Windows Vista users – need assistance #62702

    Works fine. Using Vista and IE7. No problems. Links load beautifully.

    in reply to: Spider-Man 3 promo score #59630

    is there anywere I can go and listen to this? How rare are these?

    in reply to: Young… AND Elfman confirmed on SM3 #59387

    > And concerning Edward Bloom’s comment about the
    > Goblin theme not being in the first movie’s main
    > titles… you’re right. I for some reason assumed
    > that tune was the villain theme as it was in the
    > last 2 movies, but that was a dumb assumption
    > because it’s clearly nowhere in there!

    But it was in the End Titles (tragically shortened in the theater for “Hero”). I had to listen a few times to actually connect the dots…….

    in reply to: Young… AND Elfman confirmed on SM3 #59249

    Great read whether you liked the film and score or not:

    Addresses the cutting of some of his original cues (imagine that!), the score CD, etc.

    in reply to: Young… AND Elfman confirmed on SM3 #59111

    Well, I for one, despite the overall negativity about the film in general, would welcome a proper score release and would be the first in line to purchase it. I am sure many others feel the same.

    in reply to: Young… AND Elfman confirmed on SM3 #58937

    Well then Spider-Fan, we expect a full review……of the score of course! (no spoilers please!!!)


    in reply to: Young… AND Elfman confirmed on SM3 #58802

    I saw the same thing on AICN.

    It does beg the question how much of it is actually Young’s score and how much of it might have been thrown out and redone at the last minute by Sony to add more Elfman themes.

    Glad to see the Main Titles are the same though. I literally think I might have got up and walked out of the theater during the opening credits if those were replaced with an original composition by Young (Batman Forever anyone?)

    in reply to: Spiderman 3 soundtrack info #58641

    There is always a soundtrack of “inspired by” songs separate from the score. For a film this big there will certainly be a proper score release. At this point I have finally accepted that Elfman is not involved beyond perhaps the main titles and looking forward to seeing what Young has done. Sounding like a broken record, it’ll be heartbreaking if the main titles or final swing is screwed up. It will also be disappointing if the love theme is completely redone by Young. Continuity of the actors, characters, and music is what has made the first two films enjoyable for me.

    in reply to: Young… AND Elfman confirmed on SM3 #58501

    At the end of the new Spider-Man footage released online (spoiler alert!) it clearly says:


    So there you have it.

    in reply to: Wait… is Danny working on Spider-Man 3, or not….? #57746

    Suhweet! A new Danny score out next week, now news of Elfman working on Spider-Man 3 after all?

    It will certainly be a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year……………….!

    in reply to: New site design online! #57745

    Hey, love the redesign. How about a favicon for our browsers, a little Elfman head or something when we access the site…….


    I have to wonder how all this will play out. I mean, Raimi is obviously attached to the main themes why else would he become so attached to the temp tracks. So from that standpoint I can’t see this going the Batman Forever route where the themes completely change with a new composer, but if Chris Young is asked to copy Elfman and use variations on Elfman’s themes how is he going to feel about that I wonder.

    If it gets halfway in and doesn’t sound like Elfman and Raimi is unhappy with it is Chris Young going to say, “you want it to sound like Elfman, so go f***ing hire Danny Elfman” and walk out. I think Sam has backed himself into the corner if he loves the original score but screwed Elfman over. I can definitely see a scenario where Sam realizes his error and tries to patch things up with Danny but it might be too late…..

    in reply to: spider-man #54858

    As far as your first question, most likely the answer is NO as far as a non-dialogue proper recording of it. The score soundtrack is what it is. Maybe 20 years from now they’ll release a remastered set of all the Spider-Man scores with more of the cues included or something along those lines but until that happens I don’t think there’s any way get the full soundtrack short of going over to Danny Elfman’s house and ripping and burning his gold master CDs of the Spiderman scores. Its a shame there’s not music-only track on every DVD without dialogue or sound effects.

    As far as the 2nd question, most of that scene is just a reworking of Christopher Young’s main titles track from the Hellraiser II score…. So its available in a manner of speaking, just not as part of the Spider-man 2 per se….

    in reply to: Elfman himself CONFIRMS no Spider-Man 3 #54511

    TheLastSlasherStanding Wrote:

    > Look I’m pissed that hes not scoring Spider-Man 3.
    > The third chapter of a trilogy usually tends to
    > have the best score of the whole series, if still
    > scored by the same composer. “Harry Potter”, “Lord
    > of the Rings”, “The Matrix”.

    I’m pissed about it for the EXACT same reason. I just wanted him to finish out the trilogy since Sam Raimi even said he views it as such. The continuity between the first two movies has been one of the biggest reasons for their success. Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, and other cast members are only signed for 3 movies. I am sure they will get offered a ton of cash to do a fourth or fifth film (at least Maguire). The series has a potential to fall WAY off with cast and director changes as it may go in an entirely different direction. I’m sure SM3 will be a good movie and a big success but definitely there will be a somewhat hollow feeling for us Elfman fans………

    That being said, if you are a big fan of the emotional Elfman, I am sure that Charlotte’s Web will be brilliant. Sommersby is simply amazing beginning to end if you like that style of Elfman, I got a copy off eBay a few weeks ago and I cannot stop listening to it, it haunts me… I am still looking for Black Beauty. It always shoots up over $50 on eBay. Damn I want to listen to it but I just cannot drop fifty or sixty bucks on a CD right now.

    in reply to: Where’s the “Chocolate” score? #54508

    Found my copy at Media Play too. They seem to be the only brick and mortar store in the Atlanta area with a decent Soundtrack section. They were the only ones to have the Spider-Man 2 score on the day of release too as I went to five stores looking for it before finding it there. Will definitely be my first stop from now on for film scores.

    I haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet but the packaging is genius, so colorful and wacky, I can’t wait to listen to it while I work tomorrow……..

    in reply to: Elfman himself CONFIRMS no Spider-Man 3 #54451

    Well, there you have it I guess. And yet, as dire as that sounded, SM3 hasn’t even started filming, there’s not even a finished script. Things can still change, its possible.

    Even if it doesn’t change, if form holds true, Danny will still be scoring most of SM3 because they will be taking his cues from SM1 and SM2 and using them as placeholders at which point the music from the new composer (Young?) will get tossed in favor of the old cues………8P


    Drax Wrote:

    > Whichever composer they get for future
    > “Spider-Man” movies (in this case, Christopher
    > Young), I can safely predict they’ll just track
    > Elfman’s previous music over new scenes just
    > because the producers liked it in the temp track.

    Good point, if the “suits” have their way again we’ll hear Elfman throughout SM3 regardless of the composer chosen when they dig up all the old cues again and again. Or better yet, maybe we’ll hear some of the unused Elfman cues from SM2 rearranged for SM3…haha…

    Supposedly they won’t start actual filming until early next year even though pre-production work is happening now. I know its a longshot but there is still a part of me that is holding out hope that Danny will somehow be involved in SM3 in the end….there’s still a long way to go and stranger things have happened.

    in reply to: Don’t leave Spidey!!!! #53782

    ooshmaster Wrote:

    > Danny, do Spider-man because you want to.

    Much to my sadness, I must agree, if his heart’s not in it, it just wouldn’t be the same anyway……..

    in reply to: S-M2 Disc 2 filled with truckload of unreleased music! #53785

    Argh, this topic and listening to those really makes me sad. One of the things I was anticipating most about SM3 was getting another great Elfman score…Denied!!! Christopher Young, you better get to work dammit! I expect greatness as in the first two films……..

    in reply to: ‘Spider-Man 3’ casting news #53730

    Just found this site. Huge Spider-Man fan here. The scores from the first two films are in constant rotation in my CD player both at home and in the car. The news that Danny Elfman will not be scoring Spider-Man 3 is devastating news to me.

    The scores from SM and SM2 are simply brilliant, full of energy and heart all the way through. To see SM2 re-edited with ALL of Elfman’s work would be a dream come true. To listen to “Train” and “Aunt May Packs” (especially the latter) breaks my heart to know those were not in the movie. To add insult to injury, we get the DVD extras and they are scoring the swinging scene on camera (the one after John Jameson asks MJ to marry him) and its Elfman’s original music and not what was in the film! Making it worse, we even get a glimpse of the cue listing and see what we really missed out on, we even missed out on proper ‘End Titles’ for SM2 (which was one of my favorite tracks off the SM disc) which were on the cue sheet but not used.

    Besides the fact we’ll never hear the rest of Danny’s work on SM2, there are is so much music from both movies that I would kill to have on CD without the dialogue – Peter climbing the wall in SM, Peter and MJ at the cafe in SM2, etc. I’m sad that unless there is some sort of all-encompassing Special Edition score down the road for the SM movies we’ll never hear any of it.

    I don’t know much about Chris Young so I am trying to keep an open mind. I didn’t know the Hellraiser theme was used until later – I thought that was used to great effect – had actually hoped it was Elfman’s work and would be on the score CD! I just hope he will continue to expand on Elfman’s work from the first two films. It would be awfully depressing to not hear all the familar cues in SM3. Elfman’s music is a HUGE part of the Spider-Man films, I just hope all parties involved in SM3 realize that and respect it, especially Sam Raimi and Chris Young.

    This really,really sucks………….:(

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